Friday, March 31, 2006



I agree with Rep. Dana Rohrabacher of California, that instead of illegal aliens working the fields, put prisoners to work. Use to be that prisoners were used to work on roads, digging ditches, cleaning the roadside. Now days they are in air conditioned buildings, lifting weights and eating three meals a day. Some have it better on the inside than they ever did before prison. It would be cheap labor and you wouldn't have to hire Mexicans to do it.



The Red Cross is asking the FBI to help in its investigation of the loss of several vehicles and supplies that were intended for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. It was under the supervision of Patrick Keena, a Red Cross Administrator, that tons of goods were improperly swapped and hundreds of vehicles are missing.



Goes to show you, you can be pretty, but it doesn't mean you act that way.


yikayaks said...

No matter how much money is spent a devious mind can always find ways to wreak havoc.

You're right, but the 9/11 commission made some recommendations for change to be better prepared if such an incident ever occurred again and nothing has been done to meet those recommendations, such as the article stated, first responders being on compatible radios.

Thursday, March 30, 2006


Dennis said...

Does it really matter anymore. The Apple label is defunct

The Beattles music is still associated with Apple Records and 20 yrs ago when Apple computers were first coming out, they agreed with the Beattles that they would stay away from the music industry. Now they are going back on that promise.


Dennis said...

Does it really matter anymore. The Apple Lable is defunct

As long as the two remaining Beattles are still live, their music is associated with Apple records and Apple computer had agreed to stay away from the music industry years ago.



I think Apple computers should honor the agreement that they made almost 20 yrs ago, to steer clear of music. I agree that the logos don't look exactly alike but they did make that agreement.



All the money the Government has spent since 9/11 and we are still not better off. First responders in the NYC area are still working on different radios that aren't compatible. One thing the government knows how to do is waste money.



Just like what has happened time and time again in history, every time the US helps put someone in power, they turn against us. Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari has rejected the US's request to step down. He has made an alliance with Moqtada al-Sadr. He was the one who was holed up in mosque in Najaf, fighting American forces until Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani brokered a deal to let Sadr and his militia to leave the shrine with their weapons.

The US has done it over and over again, put people in power then had to deal with them later. Maybe one day we will learn.



Korea and China are upset with Japan for their revising their schools history books and distorting the events of WW II, like white washing the Nanjing Massacre by reducing the number of those actually killed.

Everyone wants to remember history in their own way. Here in Alabama, they don't want to re-enact the Civil War battle of Selma but they always want to re-enact the Selma to Montgomery march during the Civil rights movement. History is history, you can't pick and choose what is history. You may not like certain parts of it but those events did happen.



Its about time the Government got tough with lobbyist. This county has been controled by special interest groups long enough. It used to be "for the people, by the people" but lately its been for those who had the deepest pockets. How can there be representation of the people when its been robbed by those who have other ideas.



I guess he used up a few lives there.



I wrote about this a couple of months ago. In Brazil they are making ethanol from sugar cane. In fact on the History Channel they said that cars in Brazil are made to run on 3 different kinds of fuel, gasoline, ethanol and fuel cells. They expect to be free from the dependency of oil in just a couple of years. Something the the US is a long way away from, sad to say.



They break the law to enter this country and now they want the law to protect them. I think the should be sent back as soon as possible. I'm not against immigration, just the illegal way.

They claim that the illegals do the menial jobs that most Americans don't want. I have friends who came from Thailand and when they got here, they took jobs like cleaning offices, working in restaurants and other odd jobs. As soon as they got there citizenship they opened their own restaurant and now have two here in Montgomery. And they did it all by the book. If we can't put a stop to Mexicans crossing the border, we can never be secure.



Is there anyone who doesn't believe that Barry Bonds is taking steroids? I mean, look at pictures taken of him over the last few years. No body builds that much mass in that short of time. And with him close to breaking Hank Aaron's home run record, I think all those records set by Bonds should be discounted, or at least noted as "enhanced."


porchwise said...

Just another sign of just how hard it is for all religions to be cohesive and get along...but when has that ever happened?

I agree, but I have been surprised recently when there was a conference here in Alabama between the Catholics, Baptist and Methodist. All three separated based on ideology.

There's only one Heaven so we might as well get along now.


yikayaks said...

He is doing an amazing thing. I do believe all schools should investigate the reasons behind a child not learning. His story is very inspirational. What he is doing shows great strength and I hope he succeeds. I hope he never lets the music stop either!

Me either, and at least he is more serious about this than Tommy Lee was in his on air college try. Tommy Lee's was all about publicity. He had no real ambition to be a serious college student. At least Stephen Harris is taking it seriously and how many have ever come from a big rock and roll career and landed on stable ground, instead of drug rehab?

Wednesday, March 29, 2006



Moussaoui doesn't care that he's facing the death penalty, he wants go out as a martyr and get his seven virgins from Allah.



Talk about a radical career change, Stephen Harris, former guitarist for the group Guns and Roses has enrolled in Columbia University as a pre-med student. After being a part of several rock groups, only to have them break up, he decided to go into a more stable direction with his life.



The FDA has found no safety concerns over the fact that some popular sodas have been found to contain to chemicals that together form a cancer causing chemical, benzene. The FDA wants to do more testing before releasing the results of their findings.



If this group of teens can break into a water treatment plant, what would prevent terrorist from doing it too? Homeland Security better be doing a better job.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006



I can't answer for those who haven't found relief from anti-depressants but I know what works for me. Although Tom Cruise doesn't believe in such things as chemical imbalance, I know for a fact that they do exist. My was brought on when I had a medical emergency back in '02 and my heart stopped twice. The doctor later told me that the same thing happens when a person under goes heart surgery if they are put on a by-pass machine. That brief second with the blood stops flowing to the brain, interrupts the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that effects mood and sleep patterns. What I'm taking is a serotonin replacement. And yes it works for me.

Thursday, March 23, 2006



This is something that the big oil companies don't want to spread, the use of bio fuels, which would cut into the Billions of dollars of profits.

But there are others starting to push more for Bio fuels.


He has a chain of stations springing up in TX and other states in the mid-west.



He wouldn't have been caught had his fishnet pantyhose weren't dragging outside the car door.



There has to be a way to kick Bobby Lowder off the board of trustees. He has been the source of a lot of problems there lately. He was the reason Auburn almost lost Tommy Tuberville as coach, because Lowder took a bunch of trustees to talk to another coach while Tuberville was out of town. He is going to ruin the Athletic dept if he's not removed.



A cat had been stuck in a tree for several days before a would be rescuer decided to climb up and get it down, only the cat backed away until the branch it was on snapped, causing the cat to fall 80 ft. Luckily she wasn't hurt in the incident.
(what happened to landing on their feet?)



Stories about a sniper on the loose in Pittsburgh had the citizens worried for most of the day until it was discovered that the partially camouflaged man was carrying a pellet gun to shoot pigeons.

While in Pittsburgh its not illegal to carry a pellet gun, wearing camo as the same time will bring you some attention from the police.



It appears that the Grinch who tried to steal Christmas has shown up in St. Paul, MN and is trying to steal Easter too. The mayor of St. Paul want to remove all signs of Easter in fear of offending any NON-Christians. We can talk about Pass Over, Hanukkah, quwansa, Yom Kippur, or any other NON-Christian holiday, but don't you dare talk about a Christian one. When did it become so bad to be a Christian? This country was founded on Christian ideas because it was founded by Christians. So, when did we become the bad guys of the world?



Someone please tell me that we have fallen through Alice's Looking Glass. The Gov't is resisting testing for a potentially deadly disease in the beef industry and the beef industry is wanting it??? Usually its the industry that doesn't want to take on the added cost of additional tests. What is it that the gov't is afraid that they will find? Just how tainted our meat supply truly is? It seems every year there is an outbreak of Ecoli. So, just how safe is our meat supply and why is the USDA resisting the testing?



Another soldier in the Abu Grhaib incident is paying the price for following orders. And had he refused to follow those orders, he would have been court martialed, so either way, the enlisted are screwed, while those higher in the chain of command get off scott free.



It doesn't matter if Zacarias Moussaoui like about being a terrorist, the gov't dropped the ball in this case. Up and down the chain of command, alarm bells were ringing over the fact that there were students from the Middle East taking flying lessons, who had no visible means of income, and that they never wanted to learn about how to land a plane. And no one paid attention until it was too late.

We still have people here in expired student visas, who were supposed to be deported after 9/11/01 and yet they haven't been. We have borders that are like sieves. We haven't learned anything since 9/11. Its going to take another major attack before the gov't does the right thing. Look at New Orleans, it was hit by a hurricane that they saw coming days in advance, yet look how Homeland Security, the agency that FEMA is now under, reacted to something they saw coming. Something has to change.



Even though his DNA was found at the crime scene, Darryl Littlejohn claims he did not murder the John Jay College honors student Immette St. Guillen. He claims that he was working as a bouncer at the club where she was last seen alive and he put her into a cab a closing time. But, his blood and DNA were found of the plastic strip ties used to bind her hands. It's hard to argue against that kind of evidence.



Hopefully they can wrap this case up soon. It's been almost a year and still the same key suspects are involved. What gets me is that I saw a advertisement for taking vacations in Aruba. You'd have to be crazy to want to take one there after someone disappears and the police have shown no effort to find her. And Natalie was the first. There have been other students to have disappeared from Aruba. They've all be quietly covered up. Only because Natalie's mom is constantly in the press has this case kept going.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Anonymous said...

Lithium turns a psychiatric person into a zombie. Bad drug.

I don't happen to agree, I've known people on Lithium and they were fine. In fact Jane Pauley, formally of the today show and Dateline, is on Lithium and she functions fine while on it. Its one of the better known drugs used to treat bi-polar disorder.


A couple of people missed the point I was trying to make. If you go back and read my post back in November about this subject, I said that Debra Lafave got a better deal that Mary Kay Letourneau, who spent 8 yrs in prison for her affair with her student, to which she is now married to. Mary Kay Letourneau looks like your average wife/mother where as Lafave looks like a model.

But maybe the justice system took a look at how Vili Fualaau was hounded by the media for 8 yrs while Mary Kay was in prison and his life was in a fish bowl and they decided not to do the same to this kid. Besides that, the mother said she didn't want her son testifying anyway and without his testimony, there's no case.


Dennis posted a link to this article:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. college graduates are facing the best job market since 2001, with business, computer, engineering, education and health care grads in highest demand, a report by an employment consulting firm showed on Monday.

"We are approaching full employment and some employers are already dreaming up perks to attract the best talent," said John Challenger, chief executive of Challenger, Gray & Christmas.

In its annual outlook of entry-level jobs, Challenger, Gray & Christmas said strong job growth and falling unemployment makes this spring the hottest job market for America's 1.4 million college graduates since the dot-com collapse in 2001.

The firm pointed to a survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers which showed employers plan to hire 14.5 percent more new college graduates than a year ago.

The survey also found higher starting salaries this year. Graduates with economic or finance degrees will see the biggest gain with starting salaries up 11 percent to $45,191, while accounting salaries are up 6.2 percent, business management salaries up 3.9 percent and pay for civil engineers 4.3 percent higher.

But Challenger said graduates should not assume the improved labor market will guarantee everyone a job.

"Even as demand and salaries rise, college students should not be lulled into thinking that the job search will be easy or that jobs will be handed to anyone with a degree," he warned.

The U.S. unemployment rate rose to 4.8 percent in February from a 4-1/2-year low 4.7 percent in January, according to the U.S. Labor Department. Employers added 243,000 new payroll jobs in the month.

If you read that, you see its all about college graduates. With tutition constantly going up, how many are going to be in a position to take those jobs? And what is wrong with blue collar jobs? They still put food on the table, but those are the jobs that are being shipped overseas. All the sports shoe companies have plants in Indonesia. They could have those same plants here and get some of those unskilled workers hired. That's why all those people who immigrate here take those unskilled jobs, no one here wants them. Then the minorities complain about foreigners coming here and taking the jobs. Jobs they didn't want in the first place because everyone wants to be "chief" and no one wants to be the "indians."


The following was taken from NBC Nightly New blog:

Speaking of Iraq... If you saw the "Today Show" this morning, you
probably noticed a spirited interview between NBC's David Gregory and
conservative radio talk show host Laura Ingraham. Ingraham criticized the
mainstream media for "reporting from hotel balconies about the latest IED
attacks" in Iraq instead of embedding with Iraqi and U.S. troops to see
the progress they're making on the ground. Is the administration trying
to blame the media? Or are reporters failing to tell the whole story?
Andrea Mitchell has our report.

There is some truth to that, the old credo of the news profession, "If it bleeds, it leads" is still being followed there. Only when those in charge force the issue do the press cover such things as the building of new schools, re-storing water and electricity to those places that need it. All the news does is cover the bad things going on there, but there are troops coming back telling how well the Iraqi people treated them, inviting some to their homes and feeding the native foods of Iraq. Network news isn't looking for warm and fuzzy stories in a war zone. That might actually unite the people behind the cause. No, since Vietnam, the press has been the leading "anti-war" voice in the US. They show the bloodshed to rile up people to protest the war. You don't always get a Pulitzer prize for covering warm and fuzzy stories.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


In the Florida case of a 25 yr old teacher/model having sex with her 14 yr old student, the state has dropped all charges.

To keep the 14 yr old boy from being further traumatized from all the press coverage, the state has decided to drop the charges against Debra Lafave. The boy's mother had already stated that the boy didn't want to testify and without him, there is no case.



This is one reason I prefer Psychology over Psychiatry, Psychologist don't prescribe medications. When ever you start using Anti-psychotic drugs on a person, you are altering the functioning of that person's brain, sometimes permanently. So, great care must be taken when starting out using medication to treat mental illnesses such as schizophrenia. These drugs also have some major side effects. One is Tardive dyskinesia.

Accordingn to Wikipeida, an online encyclopeida online, Tardive dyskinesia is:

is a serious neurological disorder caused by the long-term and/or high-dose use of dopamine antagonists, usually antipsychotics and among them especially the typical antipsychotics.

So, Doctors need to closely monitor patients on anti-psychotic drugs to prevent such things from occuring and not rush into high doses of these drugs right off the bat.



In this ruling, the Supreme Court has made it harder for the investor to seek remedy from bad advice given by an investment company, such as Merrill Lynch. So, it appears that the Court is saying that investment companies can mislead their investors into some pretty bad investments and there is nothing for the clients to do about it.

How is this different than Eron, who told their employees and others that the company was doing fine, yet at the same time, the executives were dumping their shares.

So, if you use an investment company and you lose your life savings on their bad advice, I guess you're screwed.

And who didn't believe that Alito was a true Republican.



They are finding well built tunnels under the border with Mexico. Now if they are getting drugs in and out through those tunnels, what else is coming through? Homeland Security needs to do a better job or turn it over to someone who can.



environmentalists are hoping to prevent the lifting of federal protection given to the grizzle bear, a still endangered animal in some parts. But I believe that the gov't is getting pressure from ranchers whose ranches surround Yellowstone National Park. The were opposed to reestablishing the wolf in Yellowstone for fear it would endanger their livestock. The Park Service agreed that if the ranchers lost any livestock to a wolf, they could legally kill it. Shortly afterwards, several wolves were killed by ranchers, BUT,there was never any clear evidence their livestock had been attacked. In fact one incident, a Park Ranger went to the scene and found the dead wolf with the dead calf in its mouth. Even he said it looked staged.

The grizzle population has been so crowded out of its native habitat that California, whose state flag has a grizzle on it, no longer has a single grizzle bear with in its state's borders.

All these people who are for progress, building and using up the earth's resources don't realize that one day its all going to come back and bite us in the butt.



Dropping the ball on the Moussaoui investigation is just one of a series of mistakes the FBI made pre-9/11. They blame Moussaoui himself for not admitting he was a terrorist. How many have confessed to being a terrorist when being questioned? Most people would deny it of course, because admitting you are one, leads to harsher punishment.

The head office in D.C. ignored information from their field agents and has since then, have tried covering up their mistakes.


Five agents have come forward to tell about mistakes made along the way. Some paid a price for being whistleblowers even though there are supposed to be laws to prevent reprisals.



Dell computers plans to double its workforce in India over the next couple of years. But what about Americans here that need jobs? Why do these American companies feel the need to go overseas to build plants and call centers? Put Americans to work. Companies go overseas so they don't have to pay any benefits, like healthcare. Anything to save a buck.



All the long lines and the extra money being spent at the airports under the guise of airline security has been nothing but throwing money in a hole. After all this time, still 21 airports missed bomb components being brought aboard their planes. Its almost safer traveling by car because at least you know what you load into your own car.

Saturday, March 18, 2006



Some high school and college student, instead of heading for the wild parties and beaches, are heading for New Orleans and helping with the clean up after hurricane Katrina. Accommodations are kind of rough right now, but for many who are truly there to assist, what's a little roughing it if it means helping those you need it most.

Friday, March 17, 2006



You know, if any terrorist group did have sleeper cells in the US, all they would have to do is read the paper to know how to attack us. And of course the gov't, in their infinite wisdom, chose a small pharmaceutical company to produces millions of doses of this vaccine.



This guy is also responsible for the landing of Cheney's helicopter. Would you want someone who was arrested for possession, use and distribution of drugs working for you?



After this couple spent the money building permits and Renovating their house, the gov't wants them to tear it down. The Gov't is getting pressure from the couples neighbors, but the house, when it was originally built is out of current variance. Its too close to the curb and too close to one of its neighbors. So, the neighbors want it torn down.



The archdioceses of NYC have decided to close some 3 dozen of it churches and about a dozen schools in a reorganization plan. There are plans for building new parishes as the Catholic population move out from the city itself and into the suburbs. Some of the churches deemed to close will be turned into missions.


Carla Martin, an attorney for the Transportation Safety Administration has been put on leave after her actions almost cost the Gov't its death penalty case against Zacarias Moussaoui.

Carla Martin faxed a copy of the first days testimony to seven potential witnesses. The judge was close to dismissing the case then but decided to continue, only without these witnesses, severely hampering the Gov'ts case.

She might have a job to come back to.



Although enrollment in the nation's seminary schools are up, those who go on to be church leaders is still declining. Those attending the schools are taking the education and applying it other fields. This article even notes that Clinton's VP Al Gore attended seminary school before changing over into law. No one can pin point the reason so few go on to preach.



And everyone wonders why we need metal detector and police in the school halls. With this mother being an example for her child, its no wonder we have so many school shooting. Now she could have just taken her child and gone back home and that would have been the end. But, no she came back to fight the security guard.



The Gov't wants me to sign up and defend this county and after they devote their lives to the military, the gov't doesn't want to foot the bill to take care of them any longer. They want the retirees to pay a fee for military hospital use. They might as well sign up for one of those HMO's and stick with civilian doctors.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006



Some of those in power in Iran are beginning to rethink their stance on enriching uranium. One official, who wants to remain anonymous said that what the US couldn't do in 27 yrs, the new Irani President as done in 6 months, bring Iran in front of the UN Security Counsel.


porchwise said...

I have a feeling the next presidential election will be the mudslinger of all times no matter who runs on either ticket and, with the amount of violence going on everywhere now, it wouldn't surprise me to see a lot of that going on also. Civilized just won't be on the agenda.

Oh I already know its not going to be pretty. There isn't really a clear front runner in either party so there is going to be so much mudslinging its going to look like the swamp buggy races they have here in the south. No one is going to come out clean.



For that couple in Norway, they must have thought that Christ had came again. They were having dinner and went to get water from their tap and it turned out to be beer. And for the people in the bar below this apartment, must have thought they were being punished. As it turned out, who ever hooked up the beer kegs that night had mixed up the bar beer tap lines with the water supply lines to the apartment above. So, while the bar was getting water the apartment was getting more than their share of free beer.



Sirhan Sirhan, the assassin of Robert F. Kennedy in Los Angeles, following his victory in the California Primaries in 1968, is up for parole again this year. But, unfortunately, the one person standing in the way of his parole is CA. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is married to Kennedy's niece Maria Shriver. That puts Schwarzenegger in a conflict of interest and there is no one else who can make this decision in his place.

So, it looks like Sirhan Sirhan has to wait until there is a new Governor for a chance at parole. AWWWWW, too bad.



Right on the heels of confirmation of the third case of mad cow disease in the US. The FDA announces that its going to decrease the number of test they perform. What I don't understand is that the FDA and the USDA had both stated that the incidence of mad cow disease would almost completely if cattle farmers would stop feeding their cattle animal by-products. Cow are herbivores, they don't eat animal by-product by nature so why feed it to them? Its these by-products that are the carriers for Mad Cow Disease.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006



Doctors in the Netherlands detected an anti-biotic in his blood stream that was not compatible with the medication he was taking for his heart. Whether he took those pills voluntarily or not isn't known.



The judge has allowed the Gov't to continue to seek the death penalty against Moussaoui, even though she almost threw the entire case out over what she called witness tampering by the prosecution.

What sparked the judges anger was the fact that Carla Martin, an attorney for the Transportation Safety Administration had faxed, ex prate, a copy of the first day of trial to seven potential witnesses.


Witnesses are sequestered to prevent them from matching up their testimonies. The trial will go on but without these witnesses.



Those people should be ordered to pay restitution back to the Katrina Fund and forced to work in a soap kitchen so they will know that the people they would be serving are the same kind of people who didn't receive the aid they needed because of the fraud.

Monday, March 13, 2006



It's funny that when Bush is in the hot seat Hillary is very vocal but when its her turn, she has gotten very quiet. She served on the board of directors while Bill was governor of Arkansas. We shall see if she can take it as well as give it.



The judge presiding of the case of Moussaoui has all but thrown out the case due to what he believes is over preparation of witnesses by the prosecution. Moussaoui is believed to be one of the terrorist that took part in the 9/11 attacks, only he never made his flight.



This should have been obivous to anyone following the weapons inspectors after Desert Storm. Any time they wanted to inspect one of the vast number of palaces that Saddam had, he would prevent it for a few days before finally letting them in. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that the reason he held them up was so he could move incriminating evidence to another location.

On June 5th, 2005, US marines discovered an underground bunker, 503,000 square feet, full of ammunition, showers and living quarters. Now the invasion of Iraq began in 2003, yet it took them 2 yrs to find this bunker? No telling what else is buried under that sand.



Dennis said...

OMG, I cannot believe you are using the class envy lines. Why are successful people punished in this country? Just because they are successful doesn't mean they are evil. People go into business to make money. Business is a for profit venture.

I'm not against big business, but god help you if you ever get laid up and have to survive on disability because you will find out that you can't afford the medications you need, the natural gas you need for warmth and for cooking, or the gas that goes in your car. You either pay for those things or you pay for food.

Drug companies have to realize that they are in business because there are sick people out there that need their drugs, but if you price yourself out of the market, you lose your biggest base of customers and you lose business. Just like basic economics, when prices are low you have more customers, but when prices are high, you lose customers.

Those who own the pharmaceutical companies should try living off social security and then try to buy their groceries and the drugs they need, then they would understand. Everything I'm talking about is from my own experiences. I have to make a somewhat small check I get once a month and it has to pay for my rent, groceries and utilites. If it weren't for the help I get from the church, I wouldn't make it sometimes. These things aren't just off the top of my head, its things I've had to deal with.


Dennis said...

Both the number of unemployed persons, 7.2 million, and the unemployment
rate, 4.8 percent, were little changed in February. A year earlier, the num-
ber of unemployed was 8.0 million, and the jobless rate was 5.4 percent

yeah but you have to remember that GM and Ford laid off a huge workforce to make their companies more competitive.



Oh my god, so the drug companies may only make a few hundred million instead of the billions they usually make. Its not like its going to put them out of business, they just won't have a much to line their pockets with.



For suck a small oil it leaked a lot of oil. But the pipeline is 30 yrs old, so the metal will have some corrosion, but there are supposed to be inspectors and "shuttles" that travel down the pipeline for the expressed reason, to detect leaks. Even the Golden Gate Bridge needs repairs on a regular basis.


As you can see, I'm back up and running. I don't know what happened yesterday but Blogspot was giving me a difficult time. When I went to post, my screen didn't look anything like it normally does. But today all seems well.

I hope this hasn't been as confusing for you as it has for me.



See? this is why I can't understand why they are making a huge deal about this when the human cases have been few. SARS killed more people than this has.



It took the police long enough to confirm what has already been known for several days. It was already suspected that Daryl Littlejohn killed Imette St. Guillen, but the police waited until the DNA test came back to pove it. His DNA was found on the plactic ties used to bind St. Guillen's hands.

Sunday, March 12, 2006


Something weird happened to my blog today so I started over with another name yet very similar.

This one is "". I added the S onto rant. It's the same stuff, just hopefully this one won't go nuts on me.
Please make note of the change and thanks for reading



This is ridiculous. She was just a seamtress who refused to give up her seat on a bus, not Mary, the mother of Jesus. She did ONE thing during the civil rights movement. How about all those others, white and black, who marched and protested in Washington D.C. and other places. We don't give as much attention to someone who does one great act of heroism, so why should this woman, whose only act toward the cause was not giving up her seat on the bus get all the adoration?

There was one white woman from up north who left her family and came down to ferry blacks to the polls so they could vote. She was shot and killed while doing it, yet no one has put her on such a pedestal. and she died for the cause.



Never mind ventilations, hospitals especially those here in Montgomery, Alabama, have more that just ventilator shortages. There are nursing shortages, equipment shortages, beds. For the amount of money it cost to stay in the hospital now days, they should be able to have enough staff to take care of the patients. This last time I was in, almost every day they were running short staffed on the ward. So, if this pandemic ever materializes, we are in a lot of trouble. But see, I think the avian flu is like the swine flu of the 1970s, a lot of people thought it would rival the flu pandemic of the 1920s and it never happened.



See, this is the problem with industries that don't have competition. They can raise their prices at will and we have no choice but to pay it. Congress should monitor these price increases. Here in Alabama, the power company, gas company and South Central Bell have to go in front of the Public Service Commission to ask for a rate hike and it has to be shown that one is needed, not just to line the pockets of the utilities.

The drug companies and oil companies need such an oversight committee, so that the public can afford the things they need. Let these companies need these price hikes for operational reasons and not just greed.

Saturday, March 11, 2006



Although I'm Catholic, if the Democrats keep a hard line on abortion, they will lose the women's support in this country. No woman wants to be forced to carry a child she doesn't want.



As the saying goes, "you can't find good help these days". Wouldn't that have embarrassing had he actually got elected to a judgeship?



And just think, 25 yrs ago, we used to criticize the USSR for their secret courts, or even the Nazis and their secret courts. There was a movie back in the 80s, The Star Chamber, this nation is eerily getting into that area.

Friday, March 10, 2006


North American Free Trade Agreement
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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"NAFTA" is also an abbreviation for the New Zealand Australia Free Trade Agreement; see also Nafta.

NAFTA Initialing Ceremony, October 1992.
From left to right: (Standing) Mexican President Salinas, US President Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney
(Seated) Jaime Serra Puche, Carla Hills, Michael Wilson.
Source: George Bush Presidential Library and MuseumThe North American Free Trade Agreement, known usually as NAFTA, is a free trade agreement among Canada, the United States, and Mexico. NAFTA went into effect on January 1, 1994. NAFTA is also used to refer to the tripartite trading bloc of North American countries.

NAFTA called for immediately eliminating duties on half of all U.S. goods shipped to Mexico and gradually phasing out other tariffs over a period of about 14 years. Restrictions were to be removed from many categories, including motor vehicles and automotive parts, computers, textiles, and agriculture. The treaty also protected intellectual property rights (patents, copyrights, and trademarks) and outlined the removal of restrictions on investment among the three countries. Provisions regarding worker and environmental protection were added later as a result of supplemental agreements signed in 1993. This agreement was an expansion of the earlier Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement of 1989. Unlike the European Union, NAFTA does not create a set of supranational governmental bodies, nor does it create a body of law which is superior to national law. NAFTA is a treaty under international law. (Under United States law it is classed as a congressional-executive agreement rather than a treaty, reflecting a peculiar sense of the term "treaty" in United States constitutional law that is not followed by international law or the laws of other states.)

The agreement was initially pursued by free-trade conservative governments in the US and Canada, led by Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, and US President George H. W. Bush. There was considerable opposition on both sides of the border, but in the United States it was able to secure passage after President Bill Clinton made its passage a major legislative initiative in 1993. After intense political debate and the negotiation of several side agreements, the US House passed NAFTA by 234-200 (132 Republicans and 102 Democrats voting in favor) and the US Senate passed it by 61-38. Some opposition persists to the present day, although labour unions in Canada have recently removed objections to the agreement from their platforms.

Official Emblem The United States and Canada have been arguing for years over the United States' decision to impose a 27% duty on Canadian softwood lumber imports. Canada has filed numerous motions to have the duty eliminated and the collected duties returned to Canada. Canada has won every case brought before the NAFTA tribunal, the last being on August 10, 2005. The United States responded by saying "We are, of course, disappointed with the [NAFTA panel's] decision, but it will have no impact on the anti-dumping and countervailing duty orders," (Neena Moorjani, spokeswoman for U.S. Trade Representative Rob Portman). The failure of the U.S. to adhere to the terms of the treaty has generated widespread political debate in Canada. The debate includes imposing countervailing duties on American products, and possibly shutting off all or some energy shipments, such as natural gas.

Those who outlined NAFTA wanted North America to be like the EU. Free trade between the US, Canada and Mexico. It was hoped that it would spur the economies of all three countries and maybe there wouldn't be so many Mexicans crossing our borders to find better jobs. But as we have seen, they are still pouring across the border. OH! And something else I heard on the news while in the hospital, Mexican military have been crossing the border and engaging the border guards. Now, if we can't keep the Mexicans or their military out of our borders, how are we going to prevent another terrorist attack? Like I said one day in college and caused an uproar, if they can't stop drugs from coming in, how can they stop illegal guns from coming into the country. Our borders are like a sieve.



Just think about the patient he was about to operate on. Thats as bad as the one surgeon who left the operating room in the middle of back surgery so that he could go deposit his paycheck in the bank. And people wonder why I fear surgery so much. You never know what's going to happen while you're under.


porchwise said...

I don't know where Dennis has been, but you're right, Ironsides. I had a tax problem arise last summer and when I called the number referred to in the letter, I got India. The girl even admitted it and she was unable to handle the problem and gave me another number which connected me with a stateside IRS agent. And what has NAFTA got to do with outsourcing anyway? We're talking about tech phone service, not trade agreements.

That's like, I don't know how much tv you watch but a couple of years ago, one of the computer companies had an ad about this guy needed his computer fixed and he had to carry it all the way to India for repairs. Our economy could be stronger and the job market better if we just keep the jobs here.



I'm reading a book on this guy, he is strange. Even though he was a nurse, he tried on many occassions to committ suicide. And because of the way hospitals are about personel records, he was allowed to move from one hospial to another without anyone knowing what he was suspected of doing in the previous hospital. The man needs the death penalty, afterall he did want to die.


Dennis said...

4.8 as of January 2006. The year before it was 5.4, How is that increasing? As for Outsourcing, Giant Sucking sound, because of NAFTA its a myth. If al the jobs are going to India and other places, why has this number dropped?

Evidently you didn't read the article I posted. It says that the jobless rate rose from 4.7 in January to 4.8 in February. So the number hasn't dropped, its risen.



I don't know if anyone saw this interview but I did. And I was watched the coverage of Hurrican Katrina. And on Tuesday of that week, the levees broke, people were stranded at the Super Dome and the civic center. Now the Super Dome was the primary fall out shelter but there were never any plans for the civic center to be used.

Even so, there weren't enough supplies that the Super Dome for all the people that were there. From Tuesday to Thursday, all the news channels showed those people at the civic center. Then Michael Brown said on that Thursday that they JUST found out about the people at the civic center. As Brian Williams asked him, didn't he see the news? all the networks were showing the peole at the civic center.

He wants to put the blame on someone else, but they played games with the trucks of ice that were headed for New Orleans and they are JUST NOW getting those FEMA trailors out to those who need them.

Brown wants to put the blame on Homeland Security Secretary Chartoff but he was the one in the field and his stating that 90 percent of the population has been displaced isn't the same as saying the city is under water. they could have been displaced because of damaged housing, not just from flooding. He needed to be more specific.



I think New Orleans has been shortchanged all around. The US did more to rebuild Indo-China after the tsunami than they have to rebuilding New Orleans. And this was from a natural disaster, can you imagine what it would be like if it had been a terrorist attack?



Our economy is doing good but our jobless rate wouldn't be on the rise if we didn't outsourcing so many jobs to places like India. You know here in Alabama, if you call to check up on your social security claim, the call is answered in India? And I don't know if it was a joke or real but there were rumors that the next time you go through a take-out window at a hamburger joint, your order would be taken by someone outside the US and then they will send it to the restaurant you're at. They need to fill those positions? Then give me the job of answering calls. There are, i'm sure, a lot of people who would rather work at a call center than to not be working at all. They want to keep unemployment down, then keep the jobs here in the USA.


porchwise said...

Their sense of humor is going to be short-lived as arson, be the building a church, school, home, or business, is a very serious felony. These were college boys and there is no excuse or defense aginst their actions.

I know. What happened to cow tipping or other less destuctive panks? Destroy property is very serious, especially if you want to finish out your college. Instead these guys could be spending those years behind bars.


Dennis said...

1st this is an election year, the President knows this
2nd the deal is financially sound, but on the political level, it probably will not happen.
3rd Don't you think its odd that Bill Clinton is helping them, but his wife is opposed to it? THey have received a lot of $$$ from Dubai.
4th This deal has finally got the left to admit there is an enemy and that the enemy is Arab terrorists namely Al-queda
5th, This back in October with theannouncement of the news in October with the announcement of the sale in the WSJ and covered again in Decembr with the announcement by the Coast Guard that they had a problem at first, but everything is . Were is the secret deal?
Finally, If an American Company should run it, why dont they? answer, let me know what you think it is

Well, it was anounced yesterday that DP would turn over operations of those ports to an American company. Why an American company wasn't doing it before, I don't know.



The UAE company that had planned to take over management and operations of 6 American ports has decided not to following through on those plans amid all the turmoil in congress over the deal.

In its lastest purposal, DP said that it would turn over the control aspect of the American ports to American companies.

Thursday, March 09, 2006



Isn't it ironic that a group of people who have been persecuted for centuries is voted against another group of persecuted people? I'm not for gays, I just think its ironic.



Another example of the gov't taking more and more from the poor.



You have to know that there is something wrong with this deal with a majority of the republicans are not supporting the deal. Even they say it could threaten our national security. Now for them to be worried, especially since they've had all this extra time to look over the situation and still they won't sign off on it.

And if you read the list I posted earlier about which ports and which terminals DP is going to run, the cruise terminal in NYC, the place of the 9/11 attacks, DP is going to manage and run that terminal. Now how easy do you think it would be for terrorist to enter the country there? They couldn't even solve the bridegroom murder on a cruise ship out at sea or keep up with a group of Turkish youths who were causing trouble aboard ship.

Eveyone interviewed on Capital hill says this would be a breach in national security.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006



It may not be exactly what the Democrats were hoping for, but at least now that is some oversight into the wire tapping.



What is so funny about burning down churches? For these guys to be college students, they have a very sick sense of humor.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006



There is the fight you were looking for, not everyone is South Dakota agrees with the Governor's law.



Everyone's favorite war protestor, Cindy Sheehan was arrested yesterday, protesting the war as usually and wanting our troops to come home. According to one of the field General in country in Iraq, there is a good chance they will be coming home by the end of this year and it had nothing to do with Sheehan.



For all of those who thought that requiring a teenager to get her parents permission for an abortion would significantly drop the rate, they were wrong. There is very little change in the numbers of abortions even with requiring parents permission.


Dennis said...

True there would be a lot of unwanted kids, but there are millions waiting to adopt. The big issue about abortion in this country is that with Roe v Wade, abortion was forced on us by the Supreme Court. No debate, no legislation, they just ripped it out of the debate and said, we are going to force the states to allow abortions instead of allowing the people of the individual states to vote on the issue. South Dakota is the first state to assert their right as a state to outlaw in all cases except for when the Mother is in danger, though Rape and incest should have been added. And as for the people not getting to vote on it within SD, the voted for the representatives that brought the legislation before the people and it was debated. I haven;t heard of cries from the people of SD calling for the heads of these Legislators, if there had been at least 1 we would have heard about that lone dissenter and they would have been brought out on the national stage.

Well, maybe that joke that the comedian Gallahger once said during one of his shows is true. He was asking about where some of the audience were from. When a couple said South Dakota, he asked it they turned the lights off when they left. Its not one of the highly populated states of the union.


porchwise said...

You're right. It was in the early seventies when the FCC broke us AT&T and I was very happy about it as they were making it mirserable for everybody. I'm very happy with my Bellsouth package and if AT@T manages to buy them I'm going to tie two cans two a string as it's probably all I'm going to be able to afford.

Yeah but you better watch it, AT&T may feel that you're competing for their business and they will come buy you out. LOL



This is something I definitely know about. Hospital food has always been bad. I spent the early parts of my life in and out of military hospitals and they food was bad. Only over the last few years I've been in civilian hospitals and eventhough the food it better than the military, it's not that much of an improvement.

One thing that Jackson Hospital here in Montgomery served that I actually looked forward to was their spaghetti. Their sauce was about as good as my mother's. One time when I was in the hospital as I kid. one of my sisters got me a card that was the "ABC's" of a hospital and F was for food that was made 2 weeks before they served it, and sometimes it tasted like it.



I'm not in favor of abortion, not like it's being used today as a form of birth control, but I don't see forcing a woman to have a kid she doesn't want. What I DO think is that they should go back to the standards that were being followed in the 1970's, no abortion after the first trimester. No partial birth abortions or anything like that. If you carry a baby that long you might as well have it.

If you stop all abortions, you are going to have a lot of unwanted kids being born and abused by parents that didn't want them in the first place.


Dennis said...

That Bush brokered a deal for the United Arab Emirates to buy ownership of 6 of our ports?

'Its not the entire port, it is one or 2 berths per portowned by the British company. Want a real scare? look up COSCO

The following is a list of all the ports and operations affected by this Dubai deal. Most are stevedore duties, loading and unloading ships, but there are some cruise terminals that they will be managing and operating. We all know that there exist high security at the airports, but little has been said about the security of American cruise lines. Look at the fact that last year a newlywed groom was murdered aboard an American cruise ship and the company is still trying to cover up their lack of an investigation.

List of U.S. ports affected by Dubai deal

Here is a list of all U.S. ports affected by the pending sale of London-based Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. to Dubai-owned DP World:

_Baltimore: DP World would manage and operate two of the port's 14 terminals, Homeland Security says.

_Baton Rouge, La.: DP World would run some stevedoring operations at the port's general cargo dock, a port spokeswoman said.

_Beamont, Texas: DP World would run one of about six stevedoring operations, the port's manager said.

_Boston: DP World would operate the Black Falcon Cruise Terminal with the Massachusetts Port Authority, and would run stevedoring operations at the Moran Automobile Terminal, according to Peninsular and Oriental.

_Camden, N.J.: DP World would run some stevedoring operations as part owners of Delaware River Stevedores, according to Peninsular and Oriental.

_Corpus Christi, Texas: DP World would operate some stevedoring operations as part of a joint venture, Dix-Fairway, according to a port spokesman and Peninsular and Oriental.

_Davisville, R.I.: DP World would run some stevedoring operations, a spokesman for Peninsular and Oriental's local office said.

_Freeport, Texas: DP World would run some stevedoring operations, a port spokesman said.

_Galveston, Texas: DP World would run some stevedoring operations at one terminal, a port spokeswoman said.

_Gulfport, Miss.: DP World would become one of two stevedoring companies, a port spokesman said.

_Houston: DP World would work with other stevedoring contractors at three of the port's 12 terminals, Homeland Security said.

_Lake Charles, La.: DP World would operate some stevedoring operations, a spokeswoman said.

_Miami: DP World would operate and manage with another firm, Eller and Company Inc., one of the port's three terminals, not including Miami's seven cruise ship terminals, Homeland Security said. It also would operate some stevedoring services.

_Newark: DP World would operate and manage one of the port's four terminals, Homeland Security said.

_New Orleans: DP World would manage and operate two of the port's five terminals, not including chemical-plant terminals along the Mississippi River, Homeland Security said.

_New York: DP World would manage and operate the New York Cruise Terminal, Homeland Security said.

_Norfolk, Va.: DP World would be involved with stevedoring activities at all five of the port's terminals but would not manage any terminal, Homeland Security said.

_Philadelphia: DP World would operate one of the port's five terminals, not including the port's single cruise ship terminal, Homeland Security said.

_Port Arthur, Texas: DP World would operate as one of three stevedoring companies, the director said.

_Portland, Maine: DP World would operate as one of the stevedoring companies that serves Portland's terminals, and it would take over crane maintenance at one terminal, according to Portland's director, Capt. Jeffrey W. Monroe.

_Tampa, Fla.: DP World would operate and manage some terminals under a pending contract Tampa's port authority negotiated Feb. 21, but the port authority said it will reconsider the deal if DP World's purchase of Peninsular and Oriental is finalized. DP World also would provide some stevedoring services.

_Wilmington, Del.: DP World would run some stevedoring operations as part owners of Delaware River Stevedores, one of two stevedoring companies at the port.

Copyright 2006 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Monday, March 06, 2006



Maybe I'm wrong but didn't the gov't break up AT&T because they had a monopoly on the telephone business? An now they want to buy up all the baby bells again? Is the gov't paying attention?



What does military recruiters right to be on college campuses have to do with the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy? Does it mean most guys on campuses are gay? Gee I hope not since I went to college and I'm not gay.


The University of Washington, Alma Mater of Boyinton refused to erect a statue honoring him because he is a war hero. He was credited with shooting down over 26 Japanese pilots during World War II. And because of that, the student goverment association is against have a statue of Boyington because they are against war. Maybe they would have prefered that the Japanese took over the USA back then and then see what freedoms they have now. During war, that is the objective, kill the enemy before they kill you.



This story shocked me. Cunningham is one of the few if not the only ace to come from the Vietnam war. The day he made ace is legendary. Three kills in one day in Vietnam. Now he will be known as the one congressman to get the longest sentence in a corruption case. He took over millions of dollars to steer goverment contracts to contractors in his district. So much for an Air Force Ace.


Another major news item that waa all over the news while I was in the hospital was Cheney's hunting accident. Now one of the guys working in the hospital said that whenn you're bird hunting it isn't all that uncommon to accidently shoot someone. Cheney's hunting partner said it was his own fault for crossing into Cheney's line of fire while retrieving a bird. Isn't that what they train bird dogs to do???

But what eveyone was upset about was that Cheney let the victim's wife leak the story to their local press instead of telling the press corps about it. Cheney said he let her tell the story out of concernn for the family. He didn't want his partner's family finding out about the accident on the national news. I think Cheney was hoping that it wouldn't go any further than the local news paper.

That story reminded me of a bit that Richard Pryor said in one of his stage shows. He said he knew this blind guy that loved to go hunting. The blind guy said he had a friend who would take him and get him set up and the blind guy would shoot at the sound of a deer. Pryor said he would hate to be the hunting partner, can you imagine being out in the woods and NOT sounding like a deer?

Saturday, March 04, 2006


Can you believe this? That Bush brokered a deal for the United Arab Emirates to buy ownership of 6 of our ports? It's nothing new that our ports have been owned by other countries, England was the owners before the UAE bought out the British company. But, it must be remembered that 3 of the 9/11 terrorist came from the UAE, and the UAE is where all the terrorist pass through at some point or another.

Now my friend, Dennis says that it won't compromise our National Security for the UAE to own our ports no more than when the British owned them, but when was the last time a terrorist came from England to bomb some other country??? Also, and this is a concern of some U.S. Senators, the Arabs have some long holidays, where they could as owners, shut down the operations of those ports, causing a supply issue for most if not all of our economy. We know that's why the Twin Towers were a target, they were the center of our economics, the stock market and alot of banks were centered there. They could do harm to our country and not fire a single shot.


I'm letting you all know that I'm back from my stay in the hospital. For those who haven't been readers from the begining, I titled my blog "Ironsides Rants" for a few reasons. First I'm in a wheelchair due to a birth defect called "Spina Bifida". Like Muscular Dystrophy, I slowly lost use of my legs but unlike MD, SB does not progress further than my legs. Because of the wheelchair, my favorite show on tv when I was growing up was a showed called "Ironsides". It was about a police detective who was paralyzed from the waist down by a would be assassin. Even from a wheelchair, he solved crimes.

The Rants part comes from the fact that I'm very opinionated. If something bothers me I don't mind expressing my opinion on it, as some of you have noticed.

I recently had to make a trip to the hospital because the home health care nurse I had wasn't doing her job like she should have and I got an infection in my right leg, and I had some pressure sores that were getting worse (one of the hazzards of being confined to a wheelchair). Now the infection is gone and the sores are doing much better. And I'm back to rant about the things that has happened since I've been gone. I may have been in the hospital, but I have kept up on current events.