Friday, March 10, 2006



Our economy is doing good but our jobless rate wouldn't be on the rise if we didn't outsourcing so many jobs to places like India. You know here in Alabama, if you call to check up on your social security claim, the call is answered in India? And I don't know if it was a joke or real but there were rumors that the next time you go through a take-out window at a hamburger joint, your order would be taken by someone outside the US and then they will send it to the restaurant you're at. They need to fill those positions? Then give me the job of answering calls. There are, i'm sure, a lot of people who would rather work at a call center than to not be working at all. They want to keep unemployment down, then keep the jobs here in the USA.


At 11:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

4.8 as of January 2006. The year before it was 5.4, How is that increasing? As for Outsourcing, Giant Sucking sound, because of NAFTA its a myth. If al the jobs are going to India and other places, why has this number dropped?

At 12:32 PM, Blogger porchwise said...

I don't know where Dennis has been, but you're right, Ironsides. I had a tax problem arise last summer and when I called the number referred to in the letter, I got India. The girl even admitted it and she was unable to handle the problem and gave me another number which connected me with a stateside IRS agent. And what has NAFTA got to do with outsourcing anyway? We're talking about tech phone service, not trade agreements.


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