Thursday, April 08, 2010

April 8, 2010

Officials: Jet restroom smoker caused bomb scare"

Can you believe that the man involved is claiming diplomatic immunity? He came out of the restroom and an attendant mentioned smelling smoke and he said, in a snide way, he tried to set his shoe on fire. Immediately after that, the air marshal arrested him. But he is claiming diplomatic immunity, but I don't think he should get away with it. That would open the door for other diplomats to actually try such attacks.

Friday, May 11, 2007


They arrested these guy almost a year ago and they are just now saying what they were planing on doing? They could have been targeting McGuire AFB which is close to Fort Dix. I lived on McGuire back in the early 60s. It's been made into a National Guard base, or so I heard. And was being used during Desert Storm to train Arabs who wanted to fight against Saddam


Can you imagine a worse way to die than suffacating in a tank of fish dung? A very smelly way to die.



I am FINALLY back online and I'm Sooooo glad. I was having blog withdrawals for a long time now. It never fails that when I can't get to a computer, crazy things happen.

To update those who may have wondered where I went, my Doctor decided that homehealth care was not the way to heal pressure wounds, especially since I lived along and had to be in my chair to clean house, cook, take care of my cat, and many other things. So, while I was in the hospital last summer, he decided that I needed to be in a nursing home to get "daily wound care" instead of wound care every other day. Plus, I can stay out of my chair here and have others do things for me.

But, I told my parents long ago that I would never put them in a nursing home after all the stories I heard about these places. Now the woman who came to talk to be about coming here and to evaluate whether they could take care of my needs, told me that those stories were far from the truth. I let her know that I'm not the type to be ignored. When I need something taken care of, I will raise cane until it does. She said she didn't have a problem with that.

Well, I've been here since last July, early August, and I'm here to tell you that those horror stories are true. I'm used to hosptials where RNs are the only one's who can dispense medications. Here, LPN's dispense the meds. They have Certified Nursing Assistants that are supposed to be educated. After all, don't they have classes for that??? The CNA's are the ones who do the grunt work, change beds, bathe the "residents", assist the residents with what ever they need. Here though, I wonder at the educational level of some of the CNAs. I've had some who don't know how to take a blood pressure. Some don't know how to work those battery operated thermometers. I actually had one to stand and stare at a urinal for 15 minutes before she figured out how much it measured.

Some of the LPNs are much brighter. The even have one here who suffers from bad eyesight due to diabetes. Can you imagine her passing out meds and giving out the wrong ones? So, they put her to changing my dressings on my pressure wounds. After she was through, she asked me if I saw any more dressings on the table. Mind you, my bedside table is brown. The 4" x 4" dressings she had laid on that table were every easy to see, so, you would think that she could tell that there were none left on the table.

OH, and as far as the wrong meds, I've been given the wrong meds by nurses who could see. But see, I never take anything I don't recognize.

The Wound Nurse thinks she perfect, even though she's only an LPN. She told me one time that one of my wounds had a serious infection, but she never put me on antibiotics or put me on "contact isolation." And I never ran a fever, and I've never known a time when I had an infection in which I never had a fever. Then the type of infection changed from a pre-cursor to gangrene to a pre-cursor to that flesh eating disease, according to her.

The brightest side to this whole thing is that I met a woman who has spinal bifida like I do and we've had similar childhoods and lives. We been together since October 3rd of last year.

Just because I'm here doesn't mean I've stopped paying attention to what's going on in the world. I heard all about the shooting at Virginia Tech. And two others that tried to be copycats.

But I mainly wanted everyone to know I'm back.


Sunday, July 23, 2006

To everyone concerened on the whereabouts of Ironsides. He is once again in long term care and will be out for a while. He is currently working on getting a laptop in order to communicate with everyone once again. for info on his condition, leave your email address in the comments section and I will contact you.


Friday, June 23, 2006



I know the Death Penalty is very controversial, but why should the death row prisoners have it easier than those they killed?? And why not just used a larger size machine like Dr. Kevorkian used with his terminal patients. It consisted of 3 bottles, one was saline, the other was sodium pentathal, and the last was potassium chloride. The pentathal puts the person to sleep and the potassium chloride stops the heart. There's not jerking or suffering. But, again why should those who have killed others so savagely get off so easy and die a peaceful way?



Seven men in Miami were arrested for planning to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago and several Federal building in Miami. One of the members of the group, Narseal Batiste, met with a purported member of the al-Qaida network and told him his group needed money and arms to wage war on American soil. And that he wanted his group to attend terrorist schools. What Batiste didn't know was the "al-Qaida member" was an undercover agent.

Thursday, June 22, 2006



A study is being conducted on a way to produce ethanol, not from the kernels of corn, but the from stalks that are left behind once the corn is harvested. Lots of plant material is left behind when crops are harvested and scientist want to see if ethanol can be made from that waste, which would be more cost efficient that producing it from the corn itself.



British Airways and several American airlines that fly between the US and Britian are under investigation for price fixing. There is a surcharge that airlines charge passengers on overseas flights for fuel cost. The airlines, both American and British have raised their fuel surcharge by $64 on round trip tickets.



Humberto Frenandez-Vargas lost his appeal to the Supreme Court to allow him to re-enter the United States after being legally deported. He has repeatly illegally entered the country and has been repeatly deported. The last time he entered was in 1981. After which he got married and started a trucking company. He was again deported in 2004.

But in 1996, Congressed passed the Illegal Immigration and Immigrant Responsibility Act, meaning all those that were here illegally had a grace period to apply for legal status.

Mr. Vagas didn't apply for legal status until 2001, when he got married, but long after the grace period had expired.

Souter said that unlawful immigrants like Fernandez-Vargas should have known about the 1996 law and taken "advantage of a grace period."

Wednesday, June 21, 2006



FBI and Justice dept officers were at the detention center in Tallahassee, FL to arrest with an arrest warrant for six correctional officers when one of the guards opened fire, shooting a federal corrections officer. A gun battle then errupted leaving two dead an one wounded.

No word was given as to why the six guards were being arrested.



Antidepressants are being blamed for everything, even when there is no clear evidence that they are the cause. In spite of what the headlines say, if you read the article, there are other probable causes for REM violence. The article states that its seen more often in men over 50, and when you consider that Vietnam wasn't that long ago, or even the first gulf war, some of those could be caused by flashacks from the wars. Just because a percentage of them used antidepressants doesn't mean that they are the cause.



The NTSB always blames the pilots for accidents but what about the ground crew at the airport whose duty it should be to maintain the conditions of the runway. If the air traffic controllers knew of the icy conditions, why wasn't there something done about it, either sand it or shut the runway down to landing traffic.



Cameras on the school buses are turning out to be a good idea. This time the assault was caught on tape. One boy was suspended for the rest of the year, what, maybe a week or two? That's just a early start to his summer. The other one might see detention. The bus driver should have pulled over immediately and stopped the fight.

Monday, June 19, 2006


Thought for Today: ''To seek fulfillment is to invite frustration.'' -- Jiddu Krishnamurti, Indian author and philosopher (1895-1986).



The one problem I have with this is the same thing reporters on all network newscast have said, why hasn't there been a video taped released showing the soldiers? In the past, anytime al-Qaida kidnapped someone, a tape was released showing the captive with rifles pointed at them.



Another case where the courts chose development over environment. In their decision, the Court decided that a wetland had to be connected to another established wetland for it be classified as one. But, how many ponds or lakes are there that are fed by tiny, hardly known streams. I'm not talking about puddles, I'm mean ponds and lakes that contain life; fish, turtles, frogs, others that need water to survive. Who speaks for the animals?



In one county in Tennessee, they are selling nnd lincensing equipment to make moonshine for the express purpose to use as fuel. Just think, they could do the same in NC, AL and other southern states, and their gas problems won't be so bad. They already allow Moonshiners in GA to produce. You can go to a package store and buy a bottle of Georgia Moon. They did it in GA to keep moonshiners from putting bad things in it like battery acid. The Government needs to get united on this.