Thursday, March 23, 2006



It doesn't matter if Zacarias Moussaoui like about being a terrorist, the gov't dropped the ball in this case. Up and down the chain of command, alarm bells were ringing over the fact that there were students from the Middle East taking flying lessons, who had no visible means of income, and that they never wanted to learn about how to land a plane. And no one paid attention until it was too late.

We still have people here in expired student visas, who were supposed to be deported after 9/11/01 and yet they haven't been. We have borders that are like sieves. We haven't learned anything since 9/11. Its going to take another major attack before the gov't does the right thing. Look at New Orleans, it was hit by a hurricane that they saw coming days in advance, yet look how Homeland Security, the agency that FEMA is now under, reacted to something they saw coming. Something has to change.


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