Wednesday, March 22, 2006


The following was taken from NBC Nightly New blog:

Speaking of Iraq... If you saw the "Today Show" this morning, you
probably noticed a spirited interview between NBC's David Gregory and
conservative radio talk show host Laura Ingraham. Ingraham criticized the
mainstream media for "reporting from hotel balconies about the latest IED
attacks" in Iraq instead of embedding with Iraqi and U.S. troops to see
the progress they're making on the ground. Is the administration trying
to blame the media? Or are reporters failing to tell the whole story?
Andrea Mitchell has our report.

There is some truth to that, the old credo of the news profession, "If it bleeds, it leads" is still being followed there. Only when those in charge force the issue do the press cover such things as the building of new schools, re-storing water and electricity to those places that need it. All the news does is cover the bad things going on there, but there are troops coming back telling how well the Iraqi people treated them, inviting some to their homes and feeding the native foods of Iraq. Network news isn't looking for warm and fuzzy stories in a war zone. That might actually unite the people behind the cause. No, since Vietnam, the press has been the leading "anti-war" voice in the US. They show the bloodshed to rile up people to protest the war. You don't always get a Pulitzer prize for covering warm and fuzzy stories.


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