Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Dennis said...

That Bush brokered a deal for the United Arab Emirates to buy ownership of 6 of our ports?

'Its not the entire port, it is one or 2 berths per portowned by the British company. Want a real scare? look up COSCO

The following is a list of all the ports and operations affected by this Dubai deal. Most are stevedore duties, loading and unloading ships, but there are some cruise terminals that they will be managing and operating. We all know that there exist high security at the airports, but little has been said about the security of American cruise lines. Look at the fact that last year a newlywed groom was murdered aboard an American cruise ship and the company is still trying to cover up their lack of an investigation.

List of U.S. ports affected by Dubai deal

Here is a list of all U.S. ports affected by the pending sale of London-based Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. to Dubai-owned DP World:

_Baltimore: DP World would manage and operate two of the port's 14 terminals, Homeland Security says.

_Baton Rouge, La.: DP World would run some stevedoring operations at the port's general cargo dock, a port spokeswoman said.

_Beamont, Texas: DP World would run one of about six stevedoring operations, the port's manager said.

_Boston: DP World would operate the Black Falcon Cruise Terminal with the Massachusetts Port Authority, and would run stevedoring operations at the Moran Automobile Terminal, according to Peninsular and Oriental.

_Camden, N.J.: DP World would run some stevedoring operations as part owners of Delaware River Stevedores, according to Peninsular and Oriental.

_Corpus Christi, Texas: DP World would operate some stevedoring operations as part of a joint venture, Dix-Fairway, according to a port spokesman and Peninsular and Oriental.

_Davisville, R.I.: DP World would run some stevedoring operations, a spokesman for Peninsular and Oriental's local office said.

_Freeport, Texas: DP World would run some stevedoring operations, a port spokesman said.

_Galveston, Texas: DP World would run some stevedoring operations at one terminal, a port spokeswoman said.

_Gulfport, Miss.: DP World would become one of two stevedoring companies, a port spokesman said.

_Houston: DP World would work with other stevedoring contractors at three of the port's 12 terminals, Homeland Security said.

_Lake Charles, La.: DP World would operate some stevedoring operations, a spokeswoman said.

_Miami: DP World would operate and manage with another firm, Eller and Company Inc., one of the port's three terminals, not including Miami's seven cruise ship terminals, Homeland Security said. It also would operate some stevedoring services.

_Newark: DP World would operate and manage one of the port's four terminals, Homeland Security said.

_New Orleans: DP World would manage and operate two of the port's five terminals, not including chemical-plant terminals along the Mississippi River, Homeland Security said.

_New York: DP World would manage and operate the New York Cruise Terminal, Homeland Security said.

_Norfolk, Va.: DP World would be involved with stevedoring activities at all five of the port's terminals but would not manage any terminal, Homeland Security said.

_Philadelphia: DP World would operate one of the port's five terminals, not including the port's single cruise ship terminal, Homeland Security said.

_Port Arthur, Texas: DP World would operate as one of three stevedoring companies, the director said.

_Portland, Maine: DP World would operate as one of the stevedoring companies that serves Portland's terminals, and it would take over crane maintenance at one terminal, according to Portland's director, Capt. Jeffrey W. Monroe.

_Tampa, Fla.: DP World would operate and manage some terminals under a pending contract Tampa's port authority negotiated Feb. 21, but the port authority said it will reconsider the deal if DP World's purchase of Peninsular and Oriental is finalized. DP World also would provide some stevedoring services.

_Wilmington, Del.: DP World would run some stevedoring operations as part owners of Delaware River Stevedores, one of two stevedoring companies at the port.

Copyright 2006 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.


At 10:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terminals...not the entire port. First off, the UAE is not a bastion of Islamic hatred towards the West. I have been there and it is more modern than most of the US. Not every Arabic person in this world is a terrorist. Why then is the Media portraying the entire UAE as terorist ready to take they don't want over and kill every man woman and child in the US? Why is the Left (and some on the right) opposed to any deal with an Arab country? What message does this send? We hate Arabs, thats what you get from this whole story. Did you know that yes they will take over certain aspects, Terminals and a few other functions, but the Longshormen and other operations will stay in place. Just the upper tier is being replaced. Second, Bill Clinton has been helping broker the deal between the US and the UAE. Now how can Sen Hillary Clinton be outraged by the deal, surely she knew about it before the SHTF.

Late Friday, Department of Justice lawyers in the Office of Legal Counsel were attempting to determine if former President Bill Clinton had registered as an "Agent of a Foreign Principal."

Federal statute requires that anyone -- even a former President -- doing political or public affairs work on behalf of a foreign country, agency or official must register with the Department, and essentially update his status every six months. It was not clear the Clinton had done so.

If his status is less clear, here is what we do know: If Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton did not know about her husband's standing with the United Arab Emirates and with Dubai World Ports, members of her Senate staff most assuredly did.

"There were enough people in the Clintons' orbit who were potentially going to be part of the deal," says an employee of a firm that does work for both Clintons. "We were pursuing work on the ports deal, and we cleared our participation with Clinton's office. We didn't want there to be a conflict."

In fact, at least two senior outside advisers to Senator Clinton were attempting to get business out of the Port Deal, and President Clinton was the go-between. Associates with the Glover Park Group, which houses just about the entire shadow staff for Hillary's run-up to a Democratic presidential bid, were attempting to get a slice of the DPW deal before the deal was made public about three weeks ago. According to current and former President Clinton staff, Hillary Clinton's Senate office was aware that Glover Park was in the running to do work on the DPW deal.

"She was also very much aware of President Clinton's financial arrangements with the UAE," says a former Bill Clinton staffer. "We're talking about more than a million dollars, some of paid out soon out after they left the White House. That income helped the Clintons buy the properties that allow them to live both in New York and Washington, D.C. This was not an insignificant financial arrangement."

What is not clear is whether or not the junior Senator from New York was aware that Clinton was acting as an agent of a foreign principal, which Clinton clearly was. According to sources with knowledge of the deal, President Clinton was advising members of the DPW buyout team in the UAE, London, and Washington before the deal hit the headlines. He encouraged them to hire a number of people working in consulting firms based in Washington with whom he had both personal and financial ties: The Cohen Group, the Albright Group, and the Glover Park Group. Other sources claim that longtime Clinton confidante and golf partner Vernon Jordan's name was also suggested as potential helpful fixer in the capital.

Much of this activity and consultation took place before the DPW deal hit the front pages of newspapers in mid-February, and about ten days before the DPW deal was to close in Great Britain.

American Spectator3/6/2006
Next, The story was first reported in October of 2005 and the Coasties gave them the go ahead in December of 2005 and it was reported in the news, where is the "secret deal". I understand how people would have a knee jerk reaction to this story. We are fighting Islamic Terrorists, and a Islamic company wants to take over operations in our ports. But remember, they have been an ally and this will probably strengthen the deal between our countries. The point is, just because they are islamic we shouldn't give them a chance.


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