Monday, March 06, 2006


Another major news item that waa all over the news while I was in the hospital was Cheney's hunting accident. Now one of the guys working in the hospital said that whenn you're bird hunting it isn't all that uncommon to accidently shoot someone. Cheney's hunting partner said it was his own fault for crossing into Cheney's line of fire while retrieving a bird. Isn't that what they train bird dogs to do???

But what eveyone was upset about was that Cheney let the victim's wife leak the story to their local press instead of telling the press corps about it. Cheney said he let her tell the story out of concernn for the family. He didn't want his partner's family finding out about the accident on the national news. I think Cheney was hoping that it wouldn't go any further than the local news paper.

That story reminded me of a bit that Richard Pryor said in one of his stage shows. He said he knew this blind guy that loved to go hunting. The blind guy said he had a friend who would take him and get him set up and the blind guy would shoot at the sound of a deer. Pryor said he would hate to be the hunting partner, can you imagine being out in the woods and NOT sounding like a deer?


At 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Cheney was hoping that it wouldn't go any further than the local news paper.

What makes you think that? He probably did it because the MSM is hostile towards this administration. As seen in the fallout tempertantrum


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