Thursday, December 22, 2005


whtfucover said...

Religion used to be a part of school, its the anti religious Nazis that don't want it taught in public schools because it teaches morals, we don't want that now do we

For someone who believes in strict adherence to the Constitution, I don't believe you forgot the part about separation of Church and State. That was why Judge Roy Moore's monument to the Ten Commandments was removed from the State Court house. That's why prayer was removed from schools. I'm not saying I condone it, but that's the law according to the Constitution.

Now there are schools that are allowed to teach religion as well as regular classroom subjects but these are parochial schools, or church run schools. I know before the Scopes Monkey Trial of the 1920s, no one taught evolution in the classroom. But that trial just reaffirmed the separation of church and state. That Darwin showed some scientific validity for evolution where as Creationism is faith based. Again, I'm not taking sides, just stating the facts. Being Catholic and from what I've been through, I know there is some higher being, but who is to say that he didn't try out several different forms of animals before finding the right ones to exist here?


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