Tuesday, December 20, 2005


whtfucover said...

Gestapo, Orwellian??? Did you ever read 1984 or read the history of the Gestapo? Were are the incinerators, were are the cameras watching every move we make, Wiretaps known buy members of congress, the NSA courts, only allowed to tap incoming calls from overseas? Please...Are we rounding up Arabs and incinerating them, interning them? Is the Government taking over States and denying citizens rights? I only see that from the left, free speech only for them, guns only for them, rights only for them...you can do better than this

Yes, Gestapo tactics. Used to be, you have to be presented with a warrant for what ever items the police were looking for, and there has to be a such thing a "probable cause" for the warrant to be issued. Now thanks to the NSA and the secret courts, there no longer has to be probable cause for them to go into a business or home and seize items. And as for the Orwellian? Have you not noticed, you can't go anywhere in public without cameras watching you. And who needs cameras on lamp post when they have satellites in space that can read the serial number on a dollar bill laying in the street. Just like another book by Orwell, Animal Farm where there reached a point where you couldn't tell the two groups of animals apart. We complain to other countries about their human rights problems and yet they are chipping away at ours.


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