Friday, December 16, 2005



Goes to show how just a little freedom can cause a big reaction. They estimate the Iraqi turn out for the election was 70%. Here in the US where we've always had the right to vote, we are lucky if there is a 50% turn out.

Reminds me of college. There was a girl who attended there who wore the most daring outfits to class. In fact, Auburn University at Montgomery, Alabama, didn't have a dress code before because they never felt it was needed. But this girl caused them to create one. During the summer she came to class wearing shorts so short they could have been bathing suit bottoms and the top wasn't much more than a bikini top. The interesting this is, she was born and raised in the U.S.S.R.. She said before coming to the US, her and her girlfriends used to go the beach on the Black Sea and sunbathe nude, which was strictly forbiddened, and see how long it took for the police to show up, then they would grab their clothes and run before they got arrested. She said in Russia, she and her friends always pushed the envelope of their limited freedoms, but she said since she's been in the US, she noticed that Americans are passive, they let things happen to them and then complain about them. Maybe we need to take a lesson from the Iraqis.


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