Thursday, April 20, 2006


Dennis said...

The No child Left Behind Act was also set to gauge Teacher performance. The reason it is strongly contested among teachers is that it requires them to teach.

True, but the problem I have with the new standardized tests, is that so much time is spent on preparing for those test, that teachers fail to teach the subjects they are supposed to be teaching. All this is doing is teaching "test taking". When I was in college, one of my psychology classes gave us what they called an "nonsense" test. It was made up with non-sensical words, and it was a multiple choice test. What we found out was even if you didn't understand the word, if you went further down the test the answer was given to you in the form of another question. What did it prove? It proved that you didn't have to know the material to take the test.

The reason our professor gave it to us was because we were talking about a guy who became known as "The Great Imposter." He never attended college but passed the entrance exam to be a doctor, lawyer, pilot, and many other jobs. He was so good that he managed to have his picture made with the Carters, back when Jimmy was President. All he ever learned was how to take test. And by doing so qualified for alot of jobs.


At 9:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The standardized tests have been around for quite a while. You didnt have to but before I graduated I had to take the Alabama Exit Exam. Before I took it, I was singled out by the school for Math remediation in order to help me pass that part of the test since I had not taken Algebra 1 yet. The remedial class was BEFORE school and if I didn't attend I would have hell to pay. The school took special intrest in the students weaknesses in subjects back then. I don't know what the do now, but only 3 or 4 students could not graduate with our class because of the Graduation Exam now it is much higher. What is wrong now that wasn't wrong then?


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