Wednesday, April 19, 2006



It's already been proven that eye witnesses make mistakes. There is even a documented experiment during a law class where during the professors lecture, someone dressed as a clown burst into the room and shots the professor with a cap gun, then runs out. Afterwards, the students were asked to give a description of the shooter and few mentioned he was dressed as a clown. People in traumatic situations rarely make accurate IDs.


At 5:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a computer game that would flash a sketched criminal for a few seconds and then you would have to try to do an artist was great fun to see how friends and family never could do it. Everyone would claim they would have no problem and when given one had it perfect. How about since this is 2006 we try mixing things up with DNA testing of those chosen from a line up? That might help against sending innocent person to prison.


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