Sunday, April 09, 2006


YiKaYaks sent me the following graphs:

It goes to show that the US has always been a melting pot but right now the pot runth over. We have in the past stopped people from coming here. The government even tried to deport John Lennon back in 1972.

While the highlights of Lennon's career with the Beatles is well known, Lennon is less remembered for his political activism and dedication to peace. Lennon wrote some of the most famous songs of the anti-war movement: "Give Peace A Chance", "Imagine" and "Happy Christmas (War Is Over)". He sang at political protests against the Vietnam War, in support of the radical John Sinclair and even for the prisoners of Attica. He and Yoko made international headlines simply by lying in bed as part of their Bed-In For Peace.

The U.S. government saw Lennon as such a serious threat that President Nixon attempted to have him deported in 1972. In addition the FBI closely monitored his actions and amassed a file on Lennon of over 400 pages.


Now if they can try to deport someone as famous and popular as he was at that time, what's keeping them from deporting all the illegal Mexicans that are here. And why can they deport the Chinese?


At 2:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because it is an election year and both parties see the mexican illegals as future voters so they don't want to ruin their presctive chances in alienating them. SO damn public sentiment and screw the public, they are going to pander to 6% of the population and forget the 60+ or -% of the population that wants the US to enforce existing law. here are a few articles you might like to read.

At 8:27 AM, Blogger porchwise said...

As China becomes a world power, we are going to be more concerned with them than the Mexicans because we have never feared Mexico. The "Red Menace" is alive and well in China and with the USSR disbanded, our government knows where the next enemy really lies...and it ain't Ben Laden or the Taliban.

At 10:06 AM, Blogger mojoala said...



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