Saturday, April 08, 2006


Dennis said...

First of all, Evolution can be said to be a fact. As I said, Animals will adapt to their surroundings. Evolution is the study of living things over time, not the origins of life. Darwin has been used to explian away God, you can not deny it, but Darwins theory is not about the big bang theory, its not about trying to discedit the bible or explain how life began. It has been taken and misconstrued by both for and against evolution. As for The Neanderthals, There has been studies and theories that man developed alongside apes and we developed faster than others, or others did not survive, but then where is the current evolution of apes to a current "homosapien" form? As for the new species discovered in Borneo, they were there, we just didnt know it because it is hard to get to. And to answer you question about the eyes. Do you really think evolution in your sense could create an eye. It so complex that its a trillion in on chance of occuring.

You're right that evolution is the result of several specices of animals where only a few adapt to go on while those that don't adapt die out. Like those of early man, they couldn't adapt to the changing environment, so they died out. Apes them selves have shown that they still could evolve under the right conditions. Lucy is an ape that has a wide vocabulary in sign language. Their inablitity to talk is due to the formation of their vocal chords, throat and tongue. With out man's interference we could still see some changes in animals, but that can't happen now since man populates so much of the world there's hardly any place that they aren't having an impact on the animal world.

Even man has changed over the last 150 yrs, where life expectancy was 45 yrs and the average height was around 5'6". Now life expectancy is 75 or higher and average height is 6'.


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