Friday, April 07, 2006


Dennis said...

Yes Animals have evolved over the years. Some are good at adapting to their environment, some aren't. But to think that Man evolved from the sea or apes is absurd. We see a tadpole evolve into a frog or a toad, but that's it, it goes no further. Why hasn't the flying Fish evolved into a bird? The world is a strange place, but to think they found the missing link in an animal just because it was in between land and sea is crazy, when I see tadpoles evolve into frogs everyday. Why do we not see new species of humans? Where are they? Why did this miraculous evolution of man....stop? where are the animals that didn't evolve correctly. Where are the animals with the screwed up eyes, no eye (exclude cave animals or deep water animals, they have eyes still). What about the nervous systems, where are the new animals that are being evolved?

First of all, there are those who say either you believe in evolution or you don't. To say some animals evolved and others didn't, doesn't work. Did you know that during early pregnancy, the human embryo has gills? Check out the encyclopedia on it. As for the different species of man, have you not heard about Neanderthal Man or Cro-Magnon Man? These were early stages of man that didn't survive. You ask me where are the animals with the screwed up eyes or those who didn't evolve correctly? They died out because they couldn't adapt to the enviroment. Heck, you can't look at me and say that nature doesn't make mistakes. Just that in the animal world, those mistakes don't survive. There have been two headed calves as well as snakes. As the world changed over the centuries, the animals that could adapt, did and their gene lines continue. And even recently, new animal species were discovered in Borneo.



At 12:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all, Evolution can be said to be a fact. As I said, Animals will adapt to their surroundings. Evolution is the study of living things over time, not the origins of life. Darwin has been used to explian away God, you can not deny it, but Darwins theory is not about the big bang theory, its not about trying to discedit the bible or explain how life began. It has been taken and misconstrued by both for and against evolution. As for The Neanderthals, There has been studies and theories that man developed alongside apes and we developed faster than others, or others did not survive, but then where is the current evolution of apes to a current "homosapien" form? As for the new species discovered in Borneo, they were there, we just didnt know it because it is hard to get to. And to answer you question about the eyes. Do you really think evolution in your sense could create an eye. It so complex that its a trillion in on chance of occuring.

At 2:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cro magnun man and the other so-called stages of mans existense were made up, no one, ever, has found the missing link, and furthermore, it takes more faith to believe in the lunacy of evolution; due to the fact that there is absolutely no evidence in support of evolution; than it does to believe in absolute truth. You are scared of the truth, thats why you hide behind evolution.


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