Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Don said...

Well everyone has a point on this... Here's mine. One New Orleans I'm sure has had more than one Hurricane come through there. At this point, I'm wondering why the people of New Orleans didn't leave like they where asked. As for the National Guard, they where there... Unless I'm watching the news wrong. Now for the mayhem that happened after the storm with loiters... Yeah, the Guard as well as other Law Enforcement should have been sent in. But local government should have taken the first steps to protect the people, not the Federal Government.
I think the US, has the ability to repair and make many improvements to our coastal states, unfortunately it always comes after something major like this happens. Hind sight is 50/50. Just think of what would have happened a 100 years ago. No warning system at all in place... Things would have been allot worse.

First of all I want to thank Don, Porchwise and Sgt Fluffy for contributing in this discussion. As you can see, I'm open to various opinions.

Don is right, hindsight is 20/20, 50/50 or whatever you consider perfect. As I said on my first post on Blogspot, I'm a history buff. The deadliest hurricane hit in TX, in 1900:


8,000 people were killed because back then, there wasn't any weather satellites or weather radars. They didn't know it was coming.

And I agree as you can read in my last few posts, that yes the mayor was the first to let his citizens down, then the governor. By the time it reached Federal level, chaos already existed. The governor made a statement to the press that she didn't know what was happening around the Superdome and civic center, because she was busy and not watching CNN. So, what about her support staff??? They are supposed to keep their ears tuned to the media so they know what is going on because, any mis-step can be costly come election time.

Just like Secretary of Homeland Security, Chertoff, said he didn't know about the violence and problems around the civic center until Thursday. So, evidently he has a poor support staff too.

Again, welcome to all those who comment, and I will visit each of your blogs too


At 6:47 AM, Blogger mojoala said...

And I agree as you can read in my last few posts, that yes the mayor was the first to let his citizens down.

I posted this yesterday.


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