Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Dennis said...

Just because other Congressmen came out in support of Jefferson doesn't explain away the fact he was caught on tape accepting a bribe. What is fact here is that there was evidence in his office pertaining directly to the crime and he was trying to use his office to hide it. As for the whole Cheney thing, my God, get a clue, silencing The fact is, if they wanted to silence anyone it wouldn't be him. I again do not understand your support of this at all. He committed a crime and law enforcement got a warrant to search for evidence, he just happened to have it in his office. If you or I had done that, we would have been in Jail already. Hastert is already paying the price for his insane statement and many others will too, because they House is protecting one of their own. Once again, these are the people who can supeona anyone and call all kind of investigations, but when they are investigated somehow its not right. The Constitution does state Anywhere that they cannot be held accountable for their crimes.

Okay, so if there is a tape of him accepting a bribe and they recovered the cash, then why did they need to search his office??? They had all the proof they needed. Delorian was convicted on just a tape of him accepting a bribe. Mayor Marion Barry was convicted based on a tape of him using drugs. So, the tape alone would have been enough, there was no need for the search. Just a tactic letting the legislative branch know that are there watching. One commentator yesterday said that Bush has been trying to reduce congress' power to that of a footnote.


At 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You and I both know that there is more to this than just video evidence. This isn't a "tactic" to silence dissent. That is a tin foil hat theory that just doesn't all. Think about it, they are all out to get him... Everyone uses that defense, sheesh, this is about trying to scam people, the Video was of him accepting cash in order to use use it to bribe a foreign official. If you want to play the tactic card, the Democrats used that card against Delay, they used it against Newt. Newt is out of office, he gave up his seat, Delay is retiring because he realizes he is a burden and will cost the Republicans a lot of cash for his race, so he bowed out. The Democrats always get away with it and You so far along with them and the Media have gone out of your way to defend someone who is being investigated. If he has nothing to hide, why did he force them to get a warrant after months of they requested them? Hastert is going to pay politically for his denouncing the raid. But, If the FBI had told him ahead of time, don't you think the Democrats would then single him out for allowing it to happen?


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