Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Being a history buff, I sometimes read the "this date in history" column in the New York Times and came around this:

Five years ago: Standing among trees in Sequoia National Park in California, President Bush pledged to protect ''these works of God'' and other natural treasures from mankind.

And now he is pushing for drilling in the Wildlife Refuge in Alaska?


At 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you complain about high gas prices, but you do not want to fix the problem. Granted the oil from ANWAR. The portion they want to drill in is miniscule compared to the actual size of the refuge. You are as most people under the impression that the oil companies will rape and pillage the land in their effort to line their greedy product am i right? Did you know that since the 70's they have improved the way they drill and extract oil? THey have had to work around the Environmental rules set in place that caused our problem in the first place. It is unbelievable that the same people who cry about the cost of gas are the same who do not want us to drill....anywhere. HTink about this, while Florida and California will not allow new oil rigs off their coast, the Cubans and Chinese are partnering to drill 75 miles off the Keys and the Mexicans have discovered a huge oil field in the Gulf, while we argue about where to drill, these countries are giving us the finger and doing it anyway.

At 5:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dennis makes a great point. I have limited knowledge on this subject and will admit I will be one of those people complaining about high gas prices, yet not wanting our beautiful country destroyed making it cheaper to live. With all the hoopla over illegal immigrants if Mexico plays their cards right......will they have to sneak over the border again to live better? (Sorry had to say it and I apologize.)


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