Thursday, May 25, 2006


Dennis said...

So you think Congress is above the Law? We as Citizens can be the subject of a search warrant at any given time, why cant members of Congress? Was there an outcry of Ronnie Earl's Sequestering 3 Grand Juries until he got an indictment against Tom Delay?

I didn't agree with what Ronnie Earl did either. I felt that he was on a witch hunt and wouldn't be satisfied unless he got what he wanted, to bring down Tom Delay. But, "The Immunities of speech or debate clause" was written so that congress could do their job without fear of reprisals from the President if he didn't agree. There is supposed to be a separation of powers which should mean that Congress can do their job without being bullied by the Executive branch. Its another case of, "If you don't agree with me, you will pay the price" attitude that has being going on lately. Anyone who voices opposition to the Administrations position will pay the price.

"the immunities of the Speech or Debate Clause were not written into the Constitution simply for the personal or private benefit of Members of Congress, but to protect the integrity of the legislative process by insuring the independence of individual legislators.''


Even in the article you cited, there is one key point.

But Stanley M. Brand, who was counsel to the House of Representatives from 1976 to 1983, said that "the problem is who watches them when they rummage to make sure they are not looking at legislative records."

FBI agents barred the House general counsel and the sergeant at arms from the rooms it was searching.



At 10:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

its not a reprisal debate, he is under investigation for fraud. The FBI contacted the House counsel and they refused to turn over anything, so they should just sit idly by and let any Congress person hide evidence from prosecuters in their offices. You of all people I thought would be upset about this. This doesn't involve the President at all. If Tom Delay had killed someone and hid the weapon and other evidence that could be used against him in his Congressional Office, would you be for the FBI serving a Warrant on his office? These are the poeple who can call anyone up before them at anytime to be investigated, but they seem to be immune to their own laws they help to shape.


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