Wednesday, May 24, 2006



You have to be careful who you talk to on the phone, there are scammers everywhere. I myself was almost scammed, but since I've been told I have a very distrusting personality I didn't fall for it. My case, someone called saying that I owed my cable company for a returned check from back in Sept of last year, and they wanted me to do a over the phone check to correct the matter. Well, first of all, if I had any outstanding money due on my account, I wouldn't be still connected to my cable system. Second, when I got out of the hospital back in March, I paid up all outstanding money on my account. So, just to be sure, I called the cable company and they assured me that I was current with my account and that they never have anyone call about outstanding bills. Now, had I been an elderly person who may not be as quick on the draw, I might have fallen for the scam and given them my account number over the phone. I know my dad, before he died was scammed several times thinking he was buying life insurance but what he was really buying was death and dismemberment insurance. Six policies that were worthless since he died of a terminal illness.


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