Sunday, May 21, 2006



Too bad for New Orleans that the re-elected Nagin for mayor. He stepped on a lot of toes after Katrina and thats one of the reasons help is slow in rebuilding. You don't bite the hand you want to feed you and the speeches he made after the disaster upset those in D.C. Both him and Gov. Blancho was told that there was a "MANDATORY" evacuation of New Orleans, days before Katrina, yet they both sat on their hands, thinking the Federal Gov't was going to ride to the rescue. As Nagin put it, he was waiting for the calvery to come save the day. Now, FL didn't have the problems with assistance after they were hit with 4 hurricanes. But, they also handled their own evacuations. Maybe next time Nagin won't just go around saying the sky is falling without doing something about it.


At 8:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

New Orleans is a good example of too much dependancy on Government


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