Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I watching the hearings today on C-span and I'm surprised by the number of former republicans that are coming out on Jefferson's side, which shows, its not party politics that's fueling the fire, but judicial practice. Even those who teach law for a living said that what they did was wrong. One said that there were several remedies to solve this without the search, just that the steps were never taken. As I said before, and these guys agree, there were other ways to get the job done, but its another tactic, probably initiated by Cheney, to silence any critics of the Administration. Don't get me wrong I voted for Bush both times, just that Cheney came with him on the ticket. As I said before, if we don't watch it, we will be living under the same heavy handedness that we condemned the USSR for. Our rights are slowly being eroded away.






At 6:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just because other Congressmen came out in support of Jefferson doesn't explain away the fact he was caught on tape accepting a bribe. What is fact here is that there was evidence in his office pertaining directly to the crime and he was trying to use his office to hide it. As for the whole Cheney thing, my God, get a clue, silencing The fact is, if they wanted to silence anyone it wouldn't be him. I again do not understand your support of this at all. He committed a crime and law enforcement got a warrant to search for evidence, he just happened to have it in his office. If you or I had done that, we would have been in Jail already. Hastert is already paying the price for his insane statement and many others will too, because they House is protecting one of their own. Once again, these are the people who can supeona anyone and call all kind of investigations, but when they are investigated somehow its not right. The Constitution does state Anywhere that they cannot be held accountable for their crimes.


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