Tuesday, May 30, 2006



Supreme Court Chief Justice Alito, with his vote, scaled back protection whistleblowers at the Federal level had. Of course this will mean more corruption because no one will want to come forward without protection.


At 6:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The majority said that the deciding factor was not that the deputy expressed his views inside the office, rather than publicly, nor that the memo covered issues that the county attorney’s office handled. The controlling factor, it said, was that his comments were made “pursuant to his official duties. That consideration distinguishes this case from those in which the First Amendment provides protection against discipline.” The deputy, Richard Ceballos, “wrote his disposition memo because that is part of what he was employed to do. He did not act as a citizen in writing it.”

So basically it doesn't help that you are doing you job as an employee. If he would have done it as a Citizen, he would have been under the protection of the Whistleblower laws that are on the books. Thats what I get out of this.

BTW, this is what the Bush Administration is seeking

"The Bush administration had urged the high court to place limits on when government whistleblowers can sue, arguing that those workers have other options, including the filing of civil service complaints."

Not a total crackdown, just reduce frivolous lawsuits


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