Monday, November 07, 2005



Unlike the visions of the young innocent boy going to war that was common during WW II, the recruits now are doing it for revenge. They join with blood in their eyes. They are spoiling for a fight and are willing to take it to them. One Marine recruit got his parents to sign an age waiver so he could join. He plans to go to a Recon group. He is looking for the fast track to war.

Many who join active duty service feel the same way. It the National Guard and Reserves that have the problem with recruiting. And I can't blame them, after all, they are the ones on the front lines, not the active duty personel. As I posted yesterday, Bush was to play role reversal, have the active duty here doing clean up and recovery after natural disasters and have the Guard and Reserves fighting the war. I wonder if it has to do with his being in the Reserves during Vietnam?


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