Wednesday, November 16, 2005


whtfucover said...

The media demonizes the "big Oil" companies day after day with expected results. But, its the federal Government who regulates businesses into oblivion, such as big oil and Tobacco. The regulate where they can drill, where they can put pipelines, how many refineries they can have, how to ship, everything. You think there are no costs involved? The oil business in the US is almost non existent due to nannism. If they were allowed to do what they do best, we wouldn't have so many problems with the supply. But we can't have that because they would make too much money in your book and would have to be punished for being successful. Punishing success, that's a grand scheme isn't it. Class envy, another ploy by the stalinists to push their agenda. People can be as successful as they want to be in this country, no one holds them back except the individual. The only people holding anyone back is the government with all the entitlement programs. Granted that some people do need assistance in life, but don't you think the government is the last place you would reach out to? There are no guarantees by the government except the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. There is no guarantee for hand outs by the government But we do have the freedom to make something of ourselves, but the politicians, activists and the media are out to punish them and stifle growth. Ask Communist Russia, Cuba and the EU how wage caps and price controls worked out for them. Yeah they have total healthcare and you can enjoy a free ride for your whole life, but at the expense of freedom. But I guess you're ok with that.

Okay, let's go back to Economics 101. Gross profits-cost=net profits. Cost includes exploration, drilling, pumping, storage, transportation, refining, fees, and paying the employees. So, inspite of what ever regulations the Government has put on the oil companies as added expenses, they are covered under the cost. SO, after all that, Exxon Mobil's 3rd quarter profits were $9.9 billion. That's gravy, free and clear money not OWED to anyone.


And I'm not saying making a profit is wrong but oil affects every aspect of our lives. Nothing moves in the country without oil. There is no way to avoid it. Unlike the drug companies, where there is a choice between brand name and generic, there is no other choice here. And while people were deciding if they could afford to go grocery shopping or not, or heating your home or buying groceries, the oil executives were having a party. Figuratively of course. Even the electric company doesn't have that kind of power. People have survived long term black outs, but they had the cars to go get ice for their coolers to keep the food cold. Some way those profits should be returned to those who suffered the most during that stretch of extremely high and un-neccessary gas prices.


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