Wednesday, November 16, 2005


whtfucover said...

You and everyone around you cite Enron, it was a company with some bad eggs, but there were numerous companies run out of business by the government because of restrictions put on them...Oil for one has been hit hard, so has the tobacco industry. Try explaining the evil rich to the people who lost their jobs to rich nannies.

Um, did you see the Congressional hearings on the oil companies and their record profits that was just televised about a month ago? First of all, the chairman of the panel was from Texas, an oil producing state, and he declined to have the representatives of the oil companies to be sworn in. And in the end, nothing was resolved. So, no, the only thing hit hard has been the criticism which has been well deserved. And I don't know of any rich nannies unless you mean those illegal ones that people from D.C. hire.


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