Tuesday, November 15, 2005


porchwise said...

I've had two medications prescribed by two different doctors that actually made both conditions worse. One so bad, I lost leg function and the other caused arthritic symptoms so bad I couldn't walk again. When I had a diabetic stroke, another different doctor prescribed yet another blood thinner (don't ask me why) which actually caused kidney problems. I got off all of them eventually, against doctors orders each time, and am mobile and nearly pain free all the time (except for a touch of neuropathy now and then). I actually regained feeling in the soles of my feet.
Medicine is such a money game and doctors are so busy making money and getting their cuts of prescription drugs (oh yes, they do) that few people have any idea of what they're taking until it's too late. My personal way of dealing with sickness is to listen to my own body and read up on any prescription (and non-prescription) drugs. If the drug companies had their way we'd all be popping a hundred pills a day. Greed does such disastrous things to the way people act, probably the reason the doctors of today are very impersonal.

Well, most of the times I've been on prescription drugs, I needed to be, but my mom was born and raised in the Great Smokey Mountains of NC, and they always depended on home remedies. And some are well into their 80s now. But several years ago, me and my dad went up there to visit after my mother passed away and my favorite Aunt was getting over a cough and she was telling me about her homemade cough medicine. Well, I get congrested anytime there is a major temperature change and I developed a cough while we were up there so she told me to get a teaspoon of her cough medicine. Well, it did clear up. Then she made up a jar for me to bring home. Well, about a week later I developed pneumonia so bad my dad had to take me to the ER. They gave me a breathing treatment and a handful of prescriptions. When we got home, my dad said it would probably cost over $100 to fill them, so I went my room and got the jar that Aunt had made up for me, took a sip and within 5 mins, my lungs were clear. So, prescription drugs aren't always the answer.


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