Monday, November 14, 2005



Since Vioxx got pulled from the market and some anti-depressants have been called into question, Americans are shying away from brand name drugs and are turning to generics. This is causing several American based drug companies to layoff employees. It's the first time in history that drug companies like Merck and Pfizer have seen a downturn in sales.

With all the bad press, people aren't sure what drugs are safe to take anymore. Some also blame the bombardment of ads on tv for the drop. And if you listen to those ads and hear the possible side effects, it's a wonder anyone would ever take them. One clearly states as a possible side effect as lymphoma. Now who is going to take a drug that could lead to cancer?

To help its image, the FDA is starting to require longer testing before releasing a drug.

Biotechnology is making a big move. Genetic therapy is relatively new but is a growing trend.


At 8:21 AM, Blogger porchwise said...

I've had two medications prescribed by two different doctors that actually made both conditions worse. One so bad, I lost leg function and the other caused arthritic symptons so bad I couldn't walk again. When I had a diabetic stroke, another different doctor prescribed yet another blood thinner (don't ask me why) which actually caused kidney problems. I got off all of them eventually, against doctors orders each time, and am mobile and nearly pain free all the time (except for a touch of neuropathy now and then). I actually regained feeling in the soles of my feet.
Medicine is such a money game and doctors are so busy making money and getting their cuts of prescription drugs (oh yes, they do) that few people have any idea of what they're taking until it's too late. My personal way of dealing with sickness is to listen to my own body and read up on any prescription (and non-prescription) drugs. If the drug companies had their way we'd all be popping a hundred pills a day. Greed does such disastrous things to the way people act, probably the reason the doctors of today are very impersonal.


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