Tuesday, November 15, 2005


whtfucover said...

A lot of them had before they were rich, maybe they are rich because they went the extra mile. What I don't understand is you lumping every rich person into the "rich and crooked" pile and not looking at where they came from.

I haven't said that they are crooked, but those with money do what they can to not part with it. They were the ones who used Swiss bank accounts to hide their money and now they use off shore accounts in the Bahamas.

Just look at companies like Enron, whose executives sold their shares of stock long before they let their employees know and many of them lost their life savings. In fact, Enron's CEO Jeffrey Skilling's wife acted like they were poor because they had to sell 3 of their 4 houses.

All these big companies that end up firing some executive always gives them a "golden parachute" as a severance pay. You're average Joe working in a factory never has that happen. So, if big money has a bad rap, its because they earned it.


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