Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Sgt Fluffy said...

"I'm sure their recruiters told them, since they are guard or reserves, they won't be on the front lines."

How do you know? Is there some great book or site out there that says they all or some of them lie?

It's a well known fact that recruiters are like used car salesmen, all they care about is how many they sign up, and they use every tactic they can. Do I know from personal experience? Well, during my senior year in high school I took the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. Back then it was required of all seniors, no exceptions. As soon as I got my scores back I heard from all branches of the military and listened to their promises of beachside bases or post, the ability to see the world, the best medicine money can buy, all of it, then when they were done, I would tell them I was disabled. Needless to say, they weren't happy that I made them go through their whole sales pitch. I did it all for fun. And even my ex brother in law was promised permanent shore duty if he signed, since him and my sister just got married and didn't want to spend their first year together apart, but guess what?? He spent the biggest part of the next 6 yrs out at sea. Some permanent shore duty. Even his mother said that they got it in writing that he was to get shore duty.

As I said, all recruiters care about is the bottom line.


At 4:47 AM, Blogger mojoala said...

they may not lie outright, but omission of crucial data is a lie in itself.


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