Tuesday, October 11, 2005



Those dreaded things that were rumored to cause buck teeth may really have some positive news for a change. It appears that babies who suck on pacifiers are less likely to stop breathing during sleep, the cause behind SIDS. Mothers for a long time depended on pacifiers to keep their babies from crying during the night but then rumors came out that sucking a pacifier will effect their teeth development. Now is seems like someone with logical sense has come forward to show the benefit of pacifiers. Next thing they might realize, a baby sleeping on their stomach is less likely to choke on their spit up.

Where did the common sense go?


At 6:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry Ken ,I am not Biting on this one, my kids were not pacifier BAbies, but all my kids slept on their back too and they all survived. Most babies Love their Back


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