Tuesday, October 04, 2005



It's not that Bush isn't spoiling for a fight, it's that Congress IS spoiling for one. The Democrats are trying their best to make Bush's second term as difficult as they can. They blocked alot of the judges Bush wanted to appoint until he made some concessions they wanted. Now he has nonimated Harriet E. Miers and they can't find much to hold against her. And besides, she wouldn't be the first to sit on the bench without ever serving as a judge.


At 10:42 AM, Blogger mojoala said...

Could it be that Bush did this intentionally because of the concessions made by the Dems when they approved of Roberts? A little give and take? Afterall, a vast majority of the conservative bloggers are in an uproar over this nomination....and dem dems are being rather quiet....


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