Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Sgt Fluffy said...

You look at just Renquist.....There are many others who are on the Court. What my point is It does not matter who Constitutionalist or activists. Activists will make new laws to adapt them to their beliefs or how they, the judge feels. What we need are Constitutionlists who are appointed to the COurt and Judicial Review ENFORCED by Congress. Renquist was by no means perfect, but show me a judge who is. Democrat or Republican appointed. They are appointed for life and are apparently not held accountable anymore. Republicans do not "strip rights from the individual" as you point out. It is judges circumventing the legislature and forcing their beliefs on us. As I pointed out before...Kennedy and Souter have gone insane, but the liberals on the Court unanimously vote to take rights away and are never questioned...just the Conservatives. Why is that, why are Conservatives held to such a higher standard than libs. The modern day Liberals want to take as many rights away from us as individuals because we are apparently "to stupid" and they know whats best for us. I guarantee you though, if judges interpreted the Constitution and not changed it toi fit their needs we would be a lot better off.

True, it's the judges position to enforce the laws. BUT, its been because of landmark cases through our the last 200+ years that laws have been changed. Brown V The Board of Education and other such cases that went before the Supreme Court that may have created new law. The Constitution has to be looked at as a living breathing document, otherwise, women lose the power to vote and the black man's vote is only 1/3 of that of a white man. I don't think those who sit on the bench should enforce their own agendas but to review cases and make decisions as the law applies. There will always be cases that will make you stop and wonder if the law is correct in that situation. The Shaivo situation is one. How far should the Government get involved in the "right to die" cases? Or doctor assisten suicides? As a person who watched his mother suffer unbearable pain for 9 months, should those who wish to end their pain be allowed to? Grant it as a Catholic I'm against suicide but I'm not in agony at the moment. Who is to say how I will feel if I were in excruciating pain?

Those are some of the questions that the court will have to decide soon.


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