Tuesday, May 02, 2006


It's true that this nation was founded on immigrants and no one is wanting to stop immigration, only the "ILLEGAL" methods of immigration. If all of those who participated in those rallies are legal, meaning they have their "legally" obtained green card, then there isn't any problems, BUT for all those that are illegal, then those are the ones who need to be rounded up and sent back home. Like I said before, I knew a family that came from Thailand and they did it the legal way and now they run two restaurants.

I remember when I was a kid, that the beginning of every year there was an ad on TV announcing that it was time for all immigrants, (although I don't remember if that was the word they used) to register at their nearest federal office. And they gave a date by which this had to be done. I haven't seen that ad since the '70s. Since then it seems like no one cared until 9/11.

But the problem is, if thousands of Mexicans cross the border every year, what's to prevent terrorist from doing that same thing? We already know that they watch CNN. That they know who porous our Southern border is. They could enter the US from Mexico and no one would be the wiser. Strengthen our Southern border and that will be one less way for them to get in.


At 9:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The party or polotician that is the first to actually address the issue without offering amnesty like Reagan did (big mistake)and actually liste to the people will be the victor in 06 or 08, right now both are losing with me.


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