Friday, April 21, 2006



Scientist now think that global warming is not going to be as severe as previously thought. Duke University thinks that even an 11 degree increase has only a 5 percent probability. Their study took into account temperature readings over the past 100 years along with tree ring and ice core studies. They theorize that the particulates in the atmosphere today isn't all that different when volcanoes were erupting long before man's existence.

There was in incident in England in the 1950s, when coal was burned all the time, that gave everyone some thought.


Scientist have been saying that man has been impacting the environment since he built his first fire, but there have been some noticeable events in history that contradict that.


The world has suffered two ice ages with in recorded history. The first occurring between the years of 1150 and 1460; and the second between the years of 1560 and 1850. By the time of the 2nd mini ice age, man was all over the European, Asian and African continents and was well established in North and South America. Dirty burning coal was the main source of fuel for the industrial age that started in the 1800s, yet temperatures dropped to the point where crops failed. Animals and people died. Rivers that had never frozen since man started using them for trade, froze solid.

So, all those alarmist need to go back and look at the history of the earth and see how much temperatures have fluctuated before the make dire predictions.


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