Wednesday, May 31, 2006



The Judiciary Committe is planning on calling Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales and FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III to justify their search of Congressman Jefferson's office.

All four witnesses, appearing Tuesday at an unusual hearing held in a Congressional recess, described the search as a damaging breach of the constitutional separation of powers. They said it warranted an aggressive reaction from Congress, including subpoenaing material from Mr. Gonzales if necessary.

"This latest use of a search warrant by the executive branch to rummage through the files of a member's office is simply an additional instrument of the Bush administration to cow Congress," Bruce Fein, a constitutional lawyer, said at the hearing.

These are guys who teach law or are very familiar with Constitutional law and all are saying the search was wrong. Its not about whether he is guilty or not, its about the procedure to prove one way or the other. You know that I'm a "Law and Order" guy and every search has to have a warrent backed by probable cause. They had the tape and the money, what more did they think they would gain by searching his office?


At 2:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

every search has to have a warrent backed by probable cause.

They did, thats why they got a warrant. He was hiding evedence pertaining to the investigation in his office. And Once again, if you or I did the same thing, we would be in jail by now. They will pay the price for fighting this, because Joe Citizen will be outraged.


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