Tuesday, May 02, 2006



That goes to show who is running our government, "big oil". Just as the Republicans were working on a tax plan for the oil companies, they drop it due to the protest of the oil companies they want to tax. Do that ever drop plans to tax the middle class when ever we protest? It used to be from the beginning of our country until the '80s, the tobacco companies were running the show, but since smoking it losing its popularity, big oil has taken over. And unlike cigarettes, we can't stop using oil, not until an alternative fuel is found. So, for the time being the oil companies have us by the short hairs and they know it.


At 9:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If our government would allow for the suffacating restrictions put on the oil companies ability to drill and build refineries in this country, maybe we wouldn't be in this mess. Since 1972, the government and the greenies have created our dependancy on oil by their restrictions, now, mexico and China are drilling in the Gulf and we just sit there bitchin about why we pay so much. Ypu yourself are against drilling in Anwar, thats about 1 million barrels a day. its a start, we need to build and explore, but the Earth first crowd is holding us back. BTW, were was the Government when Big Oil was laying off people in the 80's when oil was $10 a barrel and they were capping wells?

At 3:43 PM, Blogger porchwise said...

Dennis rants like he owns oil stock. It's never been about supply; it's demand and the oil execs know it and they're unconsciable when it comes to gouging the public. Last week, congress knocked off the Federal Excise tax which should have brought the price down forty cents. Didn't happen. So far, in my area, I have seen a pitiful six cent drop. What happened to the other thirty four cents?....right.


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