Saturday, October 01, 2005


porchwise said...

And therein lies the reason it probably won't pass. Ever meet a 'poor' senator? Neither have I...

Sgt Fluffy said...

The Fair Tax plan is the way to go!

I would hope the bill would pass. As for poor Senators, just like our state legislators, they need to be reminded that its a part time job, they should receive part time wages. After all, like Newt Grinrich proved, not all of their income is claimed. I think the tax breaks were good at the time but I think they need to be rolled back, especially in this time of recovery. The money has to come from somewhere.

If they can work out the Fair Tax Bill and do away with the IRS, the Government will save a fortune just from not having to pay all those agents. But then, it was the IRA that brought Al Capone to prison.


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