Friday, September 30, 2005



I think these remarks are being made into a big deal as a way to entice the black population into coming back to New Orleans. They don't want to lose the identity of that was where the BLUES started. Even if the change would mean that New Orleans wouldn't have the high poverty level it did before Katrina. From all the news reporters that have been keeping up with those who were rescued after the storm and moved to other states, many have found jobs. Now, in New Orleans, before Katrina, most of them didn't have jobs. That was why they were left behind during the original evacuation of the city, they couldn't afford to leave.

Now, lots of those same people are now living in other cities in other states and are either working or seeking employment. Instead of New Orleans being the epitome of the old south, sitting on the porch on a lazy afternoon, sweating, and drinking lemonade and swatting flies, the city could turn into a hustling bustling city.


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