Thursday, September 29, 2005


Sgt Fluffy said...

Goodbye States Right

You're right! That's why I believe, like Brown said during his testimony, that the role of FEMA and the Federal Government is one of a suporting role. The local governments take care of the immediate needs, that includes calling out the National Guard (which Blanco didn't do because she was fighting with Bush over control of the Guard. Then FEMA comes in and backs up the resources that should be in place by that time. Now I can see why back in the '60s Wallce raised the Confederate battle flag over the State Capitol. He wanted the right to control things within the state lines.


At 2:22 PM, Blogger porchwise said...

Another good reason to get rid of the IRS and pass the Fair Tax bill which is another way to make State's rights stronger. Seems to me history proves Federalists could give a damn about states rights.


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