Wednesday, October 05, 2005



As a Catholic, I don't believe in suicide myself because it is the one unforgivable sin. BUT, having said that, after watching my mother go through nine months of unbearable pain of cancer, I don't know what I would feel about it then. If I were in that much pain I might seriously think about it.

I know this is a bad comparison but we would never let any of our pets suffer unbearable pain. We have them put to sleep, yet we expect our family members to go through a lot of suffering because we dont' want to let them go. Now, if nature had its way, those family members would never gotten to that point because they would have died long before then, but modern medicine has made it so that people can withstand alot more than they could 100 yrs ago.

Should we ask our family members to go through that suffering for us, or should we just do what would be the decent thing to do and let them go quietly?


At 4:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well... I Feel It is up to GOD when it is time to take us. Even if we have to Suffer through months of Pain . I know that is easier said than done. I have watched Family Members suffer and No it is not Fun and VERY Sad I Would never Assit them into anything like Suicide. I feel It is not Right. THere is only one GOD and he decides


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