Tuesday, October 04, 2005


mojoala said...

so do i, so do i.

I best momements were at my granddaddy's house in hope hull where he would have the fire roaring....

My stepdad as well had an iron pot belly store that put out some serious heat!

Well, the Aunt I used to visit alot (she passed away 3 yrs ago) had a wood burning stove but her's had a huge flat top on it. In fact because up in the mountains of NC, it gets so dry in the winter, my aunt would keep a tea kettle on the stove to keep steam in the air. Otherwise everyone would have nose bleeds from dried out sinuses. It was never like a sauna just enough moisture to keep your nose from drying out.

Now I still have relatives up in NC that still use their pot belly stoves. That was the one thing that kept me grounded growing up. We would visit them often and when you are born and raised in the country, you learn to make your own fun with out all the electronic gizmos that exist today.

After my mom died, my dad and I went to visit her side of the family up in NC and took one of my nieces. Now this girl was so spoiled by my sister, that she had her own tv, phone, refrigerator, computer, stereo, all in her room. She never had to come out unless she wanted to. So we decided she needed a reality check. We asked her to go with us to NC. Her first thoughts were that she would be so bored without her CD player, VCR, Cell phone, and all her other gadgets. Once we got there, my cousins took her out to the cow pasture to play softball and we didnt'see her again until night fall. And as soon as everyone was up and had breakfast, they were out there again. By the time we getting ready to come home, she didn't want to. She was suprised how much fun you could have without gadgets.


At 12:45 PM, Blogger mojoala said...

fun without technology is a challenge for a lot of people....


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