Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Sgt Fluffy said...

"The Constitution has to be looked at as a living breathing document"

But it's not, It was set in stone and it was only allowed to be changed by means of Ammending it. Ala the 19th Ammendment. The founding Fathers made it hard as hell to do to make sure the stupid people wouldnt ruin it.

But, is has changed, otherwise, slavery would still exist, women couldn't vote, prohibition wouldn't have come and gone. There has to be laws that apply to our times. No, it wasn't carved in stone, like the Code of Hamurabi. It's wrote on parchment. The Founding Fathers knew the country would grow and change so they put in a system to allow the Constitutionn to change with it. Amendments are sometimes hard to pass but THEY CAN BE PAST AND HAVE BEEN.

But that's not the only resource for change. The President can issue Executive Acts, ie The People with Disabilities Act of 1995. See, for those who were born with no disabilites or other major issues, can't see what all the fuss is about. To them the Constitution has always been in their favor, but those of us who have to fight for every right we can get, its a totally different story. Back 200 yrs ago, those with disabilities were either killed outright or hidden from public view until they died, or as in the 1800s worked in carnival side shows. Every new law that is past gets me closer to being treated as someone with two good legs. That's why it matters to me that the Constitution be a living breathing document.


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