Monday, September 12, 2005


porchwise said...

Good. Does that mean we can pull our guys home now?

Well, hopefully we can start soon. I think those in D.C. under estimate the Iraqi people. Saddam didn't build the world's 3rd largest army out of nothing. The one thing that Americans can never understand is the way Asian people think. From the Japanese in WW II to the Korean war to Vietnam, and now Iraq. From Islam to Hindu to Buddhism, they all believe that its better to die defending your country. They don't fear death like the Western world does. Some believe that the human form is the lowest on the levels of afterlife. That is why, if we hadn't of dropped the atomic bombs on Japan, they would have fought to their last person.

that's why Korea ended in a draw, and the reason we pulled out of Vietnam. Their mindset is something we can't wrap our minds around. We value life to much, we can't understand those who value death more than life.

SO, yes, we can get those Iraqi soldiers trained, they will be a great army again. In the middle east they all believe in dying for Allah.


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