Sunday, September 11, 2005


It appears that everyone in Louisiana expected the Federal Government to come riding in to save the day. Mayor Nagin said today on Meet the Press, he was mostly concerned with getting people to the Superdome, where they could wait until the Federal Government sent in troops and hopefully buses to get everyone out. Gov. Blanco waited until the third day after the storm to:

burst into the state's emergency center in Baton Rouge. "Does anybody in this building know anything about buses?" she recalled crying out.

Last year, Florida was hit with 4 hurricanes and it wasn't until after each one went through and Gov. Jeb Bush made his assessment that FEMA was called in. He took an active role in the preparations and assistance in getting people to safety before he called in FEMA, he didn't do just the bare minimum and then wait for the Federal Gov't to take over.


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