Friday, September 02, 2005


Okay, I full support the war in Iraq ,but this is one of the reasons that the war needs to be fought by the "regulars." Regular army, regular marines, regular air force; people on active duty that have far more training handling such matters, and therefore allowing the National Guard and Reserve units to come back and take care of things at home.

We should have had Guard units in there as soon as the storm passed, to help those who needed rescuing and to keep order. The military have those armored amphibian vehicles that they could have driven all over downtown New Orleans and evacuated all those that are stuck either by the superdome or those stuck on roof tops. We air dropped food and supplies to the Kurds when Saddam Hussein chased them into the mountain of Iraq but they haven't made a food drop to those stuck inside New Orleans.

And another thing, one of the Director of FEMA, when he came back from Indonesia, had developed responses to possible flooding of New Orleans, given its low elevation, but nothing was done to strengthen the levee system sourrounding the city. THEY KNEW IT WOULD HAPPEN, they just didn't know when and they sat on their hands. I can't cite a particular article but its been discussed all over the news.


At 7:25 PM, Blogger porchwise said...

I have only one question about the New Orleans disaster: Why in Sam Hell didn't they helicopter in a massive water drop the FIRST day after the hurricane passed? There is no excuse for dehydration on such a massive scale. The whole rescue plan seems like a case of too many Chiefs and not enought Indians.


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