Wednesday, August 31, 2005

porchwise said...

If you want the real story of the constitution, get your hands on Howard Zinn's book, A Peoples History of the United States. I thought I knew history until I read his book and it threw me on the floor.

Well the book I'm reading not, "The Writers of the Constitution" has a lot of information gleaned from the diaries of those who were at the constitutional convention and some of the same issues being discussed in Iraq was being discussed back then in Philadelphia. How much should religion play a part in government, should there be a central government or should each state have a government that worked independently. The Revolutionary war was fought in 1776, it took them from then until 1789 to get a constitution that everyone agreed on. And then there were some things that had to be worked out. So, its not hard to understand that Iraq isn't going to get it right the first time out.

And one little known fact, since Louisiana is in the spotlight due to the hurricane, did anyone know that most of the states based their own laws in British Common Law with the exception of Louisiana, theirs is based on Roman law. So, over 200 yrs in existence there are still some differences among the states.


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