Sunday, August 28, 2005



I wrote about this before but it was on Scrawlville, so any new readers can know my feeling about the subject. I don't understand why it takes a war for things to get better for those of us who have been in wheelchairs most of our lives. The "Rehabiliation Act of 1972" was the result of the Vietnam War. There were disabled people before we ever got involved in it. I was born in 1961, not long but BEFORE we got so heavily involved in that conflict. Then they came up with the "People with Disabilities Act of 1994", because so many soldiers came back from Desert Storm without legs or arms. I was here the whole time. Before 1994, I couldn't get any employer to even look in my direction. Now because of "Iraqi Freedom" they have reinvented the wheelchair. Well, I've been in one since I was 8 yrs old and changes have been very slow in coming.

For those who may be new to me, I call this blog "Ironsides Rants" because one, I'm in a wheelchair and the tv show "Ironsides" was my favorite, a cop in a wheelchair. Unfortunately for me, I found out the difference from tv and reality. And secondly because as you can see, if something bothers me, I don't hesitate to let anyone know about it.

I have home healthcare nurses that come twice a week and they kind of gave me a compliment last year. The Alabama Legislature was going to send out a fact finding committee with home healthcare nurses to see what their patients concerns might be. Well, my two nurses volunteered me as their spokesman because they said i'm not shy and I'm not afraid of expressing my opinion. And I have my friend Dennis to thank for getting me started blogging. I lived across from his family for over 20 yrs and we have always got into debates about current events. So, one day he told me his work schedule had gotten to the point were we couldn't get together and have these debates as much, but if I wanted, he would set up a blog were I could debate other people. And so he did.

I like debating as long as there are facts to back up the person's opinion, not just feelings. I don't get personal nor do I take things personally if you don't agree with me. I just like the mental exercise of the debates, and a good knowledge of the facts. Oh and I'm a history buff so I do make references to history alot.

I hope I have alot of fun here on Blogspot.


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