Wednesday, August 31, 2005


This is something I have arguments with my nurses about. During the season change, from summer to winter and winter to spring, I develop a cough. It's never much to worry about, but I had one nurse to panic and had the doctor to write out a script for antibiotics, even though I told her I couldn't afford it. Well the medicine came the next day and I had to bounce a check to get it. And I didn't even take it once I got it.

I was told years ago by another doctor that because I've been in one form of antibiotic or another in my life, I ran the risk of becoming drug resistant. So, unless I was running a fever, he wasn't going to write me a script for antibiotics. And I've held on to that advice since them. I refuse all antibiotics unless I'm running a fever. Even then, only after a blood test proves whether its viral or not. Antibiotics do nothing for the flu or colds. Hopefully more people will learn to take them ONLY when they are truly needed.


At 6:51 PM, Blogger porchwise said...

Smart move. America is turning into an antibiotic nation, and virus' are developing resistence to them at an alarming rate--faster than medical science can discover new antibiotics. Same thing that happened to penicillin.


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