Wednesday, August 31, 2005


mojoala said...

no! Not according to history. Women were married off as soon as they were old enough to breed, atypically around the age of 13.

What does history tell you kenny?

Well, Mojoala, as an undergrad in college I did a research paper on "child sexual abuse" and there was a point in time where the rape of an 8 yr old was considered non-consequential because they believe back then that a girl's virginity grew back and that all the rapist had to do was pay the dowry to the girl's father and she was his bride, at 8 yrs old. What history was like and what the laws are today are two entirely different things.

The Mann Act was created to prevent minors from being taken across states line for the purposes of prostitution. But the law is writing "for immoral purposes". So, if its immoral for an adult male to marry a 14 yr old in the state the girl lives in, taking her to another state that allows such a marriage should be just as wrong, according to the Mann Act.


At 1:50 PM, Blogger mojoala said...

remember according to the bible, man has been on this earth for 6000 years, current moral ethics have been around for a short time in comparison.

5900 years of history and tradition are wrong?


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